This morning, we started the morning with outdoor buddy gym. We love any time we spend with our buddies, and were especially happy to be outside on such a beautiful fall morning! With our buddies, we got creative on the playground, using the structure to pose for photos for our "Buddy Book" that will be published in the upcoming weeks!
During the work period, a few grade 2 students led their table groups in a sunflower activity that they previously learned in their Guided Reading group. The leaders were able to gather materials, give instructions, read information and help everyone in their table group feel successful. Students shared their findings on the needs of sunflowers during whole group discussion, and helped construct an anchor chart on the needs of living things. Looking at the idea of space, we examined the planting instructions for sunflower seeds on a seed packet and brainstormed how we might develop a "planting map" for the sunflower seeds we've harvested in the classroom.
Our Terry Fox run took place in the afternoon. Thank you to the Active Living Committee for organizing the event, and hosting an assembly to teach us about Terry, and energize us for the run.
To wrap up the day, Ms. Gray's class joined us to talk about the artist Kandinsky. We compared the work of Kandinsky to our previous artist, Van Gogh, and introduced the terms "realism", "impressionism" and "abstract". We read the book, "The Noisy Paintbox" about his life and struggles to become the artist he wanted to. Throughout his life, Kandinsky experienced colors as sounds, and sounds as colors, which was different from the popular art styles of his time.The book ended with one of his famous paintings and the question, "How does it make you feel?" So, we showed the students two pieces of Kandinsky's work and asked the same question:

We'll continue our exploration of Kandinsky tomorrow with our visit from Leah of ArtFelt Studio.
Reminders for the rest of the week:
- Library exchange this week is Thursday.
- Thursday is an early dismissal at 11:38am.
- Thursday is Parent-Teacher conferences.
- Thursday is our re-scheduled Back-to-School BBQ.
- Friday is no-school for students. Conferences for some teachers.
Have a good evening everyone!
Ms. Thomas