Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Tuesday, September 12th, 2017

Hi Families, 

We have been busy building classroom routines, and the students are more and more successful and independent each day! I am so proud of their growth already this year, and their positive mindsets for learning new things!

In small groups, and pairs, we have done two building challenges. With both challenges - the Spaghetti Challenge and the Lego Bridge Challenge - students practiced our six classroom building expectations:

1. Focus on the challenge. 
2. Everyone participates. 
3. Consider all ideas. 
4. Use "groupwork" voices. 
5. Treat materials respectfully. 

All students have been successful, and made connections between the challenges. When groups develop the same understanding in different ways, it is amazing what the students learn from each other. Here are some of our challenge photos:

We have started two routines for the end of the day. One is classroom jobs, an important part of practical life skills and caring for our classroom environment. Ask your child which job they have been assigned, and if they have a partner. 

Our other routine is Peace Conferences.  As we sit in a circle, our Peace Rock gets passed from person to person. Each person has the opportunity to speak, or pass the Peace Rock, depending if they have something to share. It is their opportunity to say "Thank you", "Sorry" or "Congratulations" to a classmate, ending everyone's day on a positive note. 

We have been inspired by the art of Vincent VanGogh in looking at sunflowers. With real life examples in our classroom, students are looking at colour, pattern and shape of the flowers. We will continue exploring the sunflowers through the eyes of an artist, botanist and mathematician over the next couple of weeks. 

Starting tomorrow, students will learn about the Montessori Great Lessons. The Five Great Lessons are a group of impressionistic stories that are meant to provide elementary Montessori students with a “big picture” of the world and life. At this stage of development, children are becoming aware of the world and their place in it. These lessons are bold, exciting, and are designed to awaken a child's imagination and curiosity. The first Great Lesson: Coming of the Universe and the Earth explores the beginnings of the universe, including the Big Bang. 

Today, we got on the laptop computers for the first time. Students are working on basic keyboard skills (identifying and using the keys to enter username, password and website information) as well as using the mouse to navigate the Safari application and access the main menu. You can support your child's learning by using the information sent home yesterday to access RAZ Kids online. 

We had our first library exchange today. Some students chose to bring home their book to share, others chose to keep it in their classroom cubby to read. 

Last, we had our first fire drill of the year this afternoon. The students were amazing! 

In your child's mail folder yesterday, you will have found:
- RAZ Kids (www.kidsa-z.com) home login information. 
- September Scholastic book orders. These are due back Thursday, September 21st if you wish to order.
- ADmazing Coupon Book information. Please read the enclosed letter if you care to order. 

Thank you to everyone who has already returned their child's yellow Poetry Folder. We look forward to sharing a new poem with you at the end of the week. 

I am still looking for volunteers to join us for our ArtFelt Studios in-class wool felting on the afternoon of September 27th. If you are able to volunteer, please email me. 

There is so much happening these days, I hope I've managed to capture the highlights. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me. 

Thank you everyone!
Ms. Thomas