The last couple of days, we have been "dissecting" our sunflower head, separating the florets from the seeds. Students added a petal, floret and seed to their sketchbooks, as well as wrote a fact they have learned so far, either through observation, or through our shared readings of non-fiction texts. Many students were surprised to find out that there are 67 different kinds of sunflowers around the world!
Today, we had a special visitor in our room - my Mom, Mrs. Thomas! The students all took the time to greet her with a handshake and introduce themselves, making her feel so welcome that she promises to come back next week. Students worked with her to create balloon, glue and string "lanterns" for upcoming birthday celebrations.
A reminder that conference bookings open tomorrow. Conferences for students in Room 8 will only be on Thursday, September 28th from 8:30am-11:30am or 3:00pm-7:00pm. Conference bookings are made through your "My CBE Account":
September Scholastic book orders are due tomorrow if you are interested in ordering. Cheques or online payment only.
Students are coming home with a notice regarding our upcoming ArtFelt Studios, in-class wool felting session. I am still in need of additional volunteers. If you are able to join us on Wednesday, September 27th in the afternoon, please email me.
Have a good evening!
Ms. Thomas