Tuesday, 5 September 2017

First Day Of School

Hello Families, 

What a wonderful first day of school! It was fantastic to see you all on the compound this morning, reconnecting with familiar families, and meeting some new friends. I look forward to our year together!

We spent a lot of time learning and reminding ourselves of routines today. The grade 2s were excellent models, and made my heart melt with the gentle reminders and encouraging words they had for the grade 1s. Beautiful, natural mentorship. 

We read two very silly stories today. Our first one was called, "Dear Teacher" by Amy Husband and is written as a collection of letters from a boy, Micheal, to his new teacher, trying to "save" himself from attending the first day of school. Our other story, "On the Way Home" by Jill Murphy tells the story of Clare, who has hurt her knee so she sets off home to tell her mum all about it. On the way she meets her friends and tells them how the fall happened. But just how did it happen . . .? Was she dropped by a wolf, a slithering snake, an enormous dragon or a hairy gorilla?! Both of these stories had the children smiling at the characters big imaginations. 

We attended gym with our big buddy class, Ms. Bouchard, and played two games to get to know each other: "Buddy Up" and "Introduce Yourself Tag". Ask your child to explain how to play.

We worked on our very first poem of the year, identifying two things we can't wait to learn this year, and drawing matching illustrations. We look forward to bringing them home to share at the end of the week. 

Last, we worked on our creating placemats to use during snack, lunch and celebrations as a way of caring for our space. 

Thank you again for all your smiley faces this morning! Teachers feel nervous on the first day too, and it was a wonderful way to be greeted! 

Have a wonderful evening everyone!
Ms. Thomas