Hello Everyone,
We had a fantastic afternoon with Leah, Kerry and Shelley from ArtFelt Studios! Thank you to the volunteers who were able to come and support us in our adventure!
We learned a lot about the felting process. Ask your child what four things are needed for felting, and see if they can retell the story of how felting was discovered.
She also showed us an incredible video of Mongolian nomads building a traditional wool felted yurt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJ0uojUHYdA
All of our pieces were unique and gave us wonderful feelings of happiness. Look how amazing our art looks when we put it all together:
Incredible! We look forward to seeing Leah again in November when she comes back to teach us another form of felting with needles.
- Library exchange this week is tomorrow.
- Tomorrow is an early dismissal at 11:38am.
- Tomorrow is Parent-Teacher conferences.
- Tomorrow is our re-scheduled Back-to-School BBQ.
- Friday is no-school for students. Conferences for some teachers.
Have a wonderful evening everyone!
Ms. Thomas
Wednesday, 27 September 2017
Terry Fox Celebration!
The Active Living committee is thrilled to report that we have raised a grand total of $461.10, all of which will go to the Terry Fox Foundation. Great job Lake Bonavista School!
If you would like to make a donation, we are still accepting donations until October 6, either in the office or online at https://secure.terryfox.ca/registrant/TeamFundraisingPage.aspx?Referrer=%26Referrer%3dhttp%253a%252f%252fwww.terryfox.org%252fschoolrun%252fstudents%252f&TeamID=741424#&panel1-1
Thank you for your support!
Tuesday, 26 September 2017
Tuesday, September 26th, 2017
Hello Families,
This morning, we started the morning with outdoor buddy gym. We love any time we spend with our buddies, and were especially happy to be outside on such a beautiful fall morning! With our buddies, we got creative on the playground, using the structure to pose for photos for our "Buddy Book" that will be published in the upcoming weeks!
During the work period, a few grade 2 students led their table groups in a sunflower activity that they previously learned in their Guided Reading group. The leaders were able to gather materials, give instructions, read information and help everyone in their table group feel successful. Students shared their findings on the needs of sunflowers during whole group discussion, and helped construct an anchor chart on the needs of living things. Looking at the idea of space, we examined the planting instructions for sunflower seeds on a seed packet and brainstormed how we might develop a "planting map" for the sunflower seeds we've harvested in the classroom.
Our Terry Fox run took place in the afternoon. Thank you to the Active Living Committee for organizing the event, and hosting an assembly to teach us about Terry, and energize us for the run.
To wrap up the day, Ms. Gray's class joined us to talk about the artist Kandinsky. We compared the work of Kandinsky to our previous artist, Van Gogh, and introduced the terms "realism", "impressionism" and "abstract". We read the book, "The Noisy Paintbox" about his life and struggles to become the artist he wanted to. Throughout his life, Kandinsky experienced colors as sounds, and sounds as colors, which was different from the popular art styles of his time.The book ended with one of his famous paintings and the question, "How does it make you feel?" So, we showed the students two pieces of Kandinsky's work and asked the same question:

We'll continue our exploration of Kandinsky tomorrow with our visit from Leah of ArtFelt Studio.
Reminders for the rest of the week:
- Library exchange this week is Thursday.
- Thursday is an early dismissal at 11:38am.
- Thursday is Parent-Teacher conferences.
- Thursday is our re-scheduled Back-to-School BBQ.
- Friday is no-school for students. Conferences for some teachers.
Have a good evening everyone!
Ms. Thomas
This morning, we started the morning with outdoor buddy gym. We love any time we spend with our buddies, and were especially happy to be outside on such a beautiful fall morning! With our buddies, we got creative on the playground, using the structure to pose for photos for our "Buddy Book" that will be published in the upcoming weeks!
During the work period, a few grade 2 students led their table groups in a sunflower activity that they previously learned in their Guided Reading group. The leaders were able to gather materials, give instructions, read information and help everyone in their table group feel successful. Students shared their findings on the needs of sunflowers during whole group discussion, and helped construct an anchor chart on the needs of living things. Looking at the idea of space, we examined the planting instructions for sunflower seeds on a seed packet and brainstormed how we might develop a "planting map" for the sunflower seeds we've harvested in the classroom.
Our Terry Fox run took place in the afternoon. Thank you to the Active Living Committee for organizing the event, and hosting an assembly to teach us about Terry, and energize us for the run.
To wrap up the day, Ms. Gray's class joined us to talk about the artist Kandinsky. We compared the work of Kandinsky to our previous artist, Van Gogh, and introduced the terms "realism", "impressionism" and "abstract". We read the book, "The Noisy Paintbox" about his life and struggles to become the artist he wanted to. Throughout his life, Kandinsky experienced colors as sounds, and sounds as colors, which was different from the popular art styles of his time.The book ended with one of his famous paintings and the question, "How does it make you feel?" So, we showed the students two pieces of Kandinsky's work and asked the same question:

We'll continue our exploration of Kandinsky tomorrow with our visit from Leah of ArtFelt Studio.
Reminders for the rest of the week:
- Library exchange this week is Thursday.
- Thursday is an early dismissal at 11:38am.
- Thursday is Parent-Teacher conferences.
- Thursday is our re-scheduled Back-to-School BBQ.
- Friday is no-school for students. Conferences for some teachers.
Have a good evening everyone!
Ms. Thomas
Monday, 25 September 2017
Monday, September 25th, 2017
Hello Families,
I hope you had a wonderful weekend!
We started our day off in gym, developing our skills in long-rope skipping. It was amazing to see everyone's skills grow in just one gym period, and how everyone supported each other, and cheered each other on during their turn. A wonderful way to start our morning!
In work period, students worked with a partner to find different ways to sort 9 different emojis. Students recorded with pictures and words the different ways they sorted the emojis. Noticing similarities and differences in shapes and designs is an important part of being mathematical. It is valuable for students to see that shapes and designs have many different characteristics and can be sorted in a variety of ways.
Their other work period task was to write a journal entry about their weekend. Students are becoming more independent in initiating, persisting with, and completing writing tasks in the work period.
In the afternoon, we explored some new colour choices. We were able to share what we already know about primary and secondary colours, and are excited to experiment with the different materials.
Usually, Tuesday is our library exchange day, but we have had to reschedule this week until Thursday.
Tomorrow is our Terry Fox Run. Please see additional blog entries for more information.
Conferences bookings are now open! Please visit your "MyCBEAccount" to book a time on Thursday to meet. Please make sure you use the conference listing for "Bouchard/Thomas/Gray" NOT the "Kinder to Grade 6" from the drop-down menu.
Have a wonderful evening everyone!
Ms. Thomas
I hope you had a wonderful weekend!
We started our day off in gym, developing our skills in long-rope skipping. It was amazing to see everyone's skills grow in just one gym period, and how everyone supported each other, and cheered each other on during their turn. A wonderful way to start our morning!
In work period, students worked with a partner to find different ways to sort 9 different emojis. Students recorded with pictures and words the different ways they sorted the emojis. Noticing similarities and differences in shapes and designs is an important part of being mathematical. It is valuable for students to see that shapes and designs have many different characteristics and can be sorted in a variety of ways.
Their other work period task was to write a journal entry about their weekend. Students are becoming more independent in initiating, persisting with, and completing writing tasks in the work period.
In the afternoon, we explored some new colour choices. We were able to share what we already know about primary and secondary colours, and are excited to experiment with the different materials.
Usually, Tuesday is our library exchange day, but we have had to reschedule this week until Thursday.
Tomorrow is our Terry Fox Run. Please see additional blog entries for more information.
Conferences bookings are now open! Please visit your "MyCBEAccount" to book a time on Thursday to meet. Please make sure you use the conference listing for "Bouchard/Thomas/Gray" NOT the "Kinder to Grade 6" from the drop-down menu.
Have a wonderful evening everyone!
Ms. Thomas
Friday, 22 September 2017
International Peace Day and ishi
Thursday was International Peace Day. Students were read the story of "ishi", a rock that helps inspire us to be kind and a better friend. Students picked their own rock and put a smiley face on it. They then can revisit their rock or all of our rocks in the peace corner when they are needing something to cheer them up!

Terry Fox Run
We will be having our Annual Terry Fox Run on Tuesday, September 26th at 1:15pm. Teachers will be discussing with students the life of Terry Fox and the contributions he has made to cancer research. We would like to extend the invitation to all parents and families to join us for the Terry Fox Run.
Students can dedicate their run to someone who they know that has been affected by cancer. Please speak to your child prior to our run and if they choose to they can write who they are running for on a sticker that they will wear during the run.
Should you wish to make a donation online, please use the following link to donate through the Terry Fox website:
Feel free to bring in cash donations to the office. (Donations will be accepted until next Thursday, September 28th.)
Let’s keep Terry’s dream to find a cure for cancer alive.
Thank you!
ADmazing Savings Coupon Books
Due to the excellent support in the past years with the ADmazing Savings coupon books, we have decided to continue with this fundraiser.
Students have brought home the ADmazing Savings coupon book information. The book contains discount coupons for many items and services commonly used by families. The proceeds from this fundraising activity will be used directly in your child’s classroom.
Books are available for $20.00 each, of which Lake Bonavista will use $10.00 for the benefit of our students.
If you wish to take advantage of these discounts, please complete the order form printed on the back on the ADmazing envelope, and enclose the correct amount of money - $20.00 per book ordered. - directly to your child’s classroom teacher by Friday, October 13th, 2017 or earlier.
Additional books for Calgary, Edmonton, Red Deer or Southern Alberta may be ordered at $20.00 each for family, friends and relatives. If you wish to order additional books, please send your order as soon as possible to your child’s teacher so that the order can be filled. As a school, we discourage door-to-door solicitation.
Wednesday, 20 September 2017
Wednesday, September 20th, 2017
Hello Families,
The last couple of days, we have been "dissecting" our sunflower head, separating the florets from the seeds. Students added a petal, floret and seed to their sketchbooks, as well as wrote a fact they have learned so far, either through observation, or through our shared readings of non-fiction texts. Many students were surprised to find out that there are 67 different kinds of sunflowers around the world!

Today, we had a special visitor in our room - my Mom, Mrs. Thomas! The students all took the time to greet her with a handshake and introduce themselves, making her feel so welcome that she promises to come back next week. Students worked with her to create balloon, glue and string "lanterns" for upcoming birthday celebrations.

A reminder that conference bookings open tomorrow. Conferences for students in Room 8 will only be on Thursday, September 28th from 8:30am-11:30am or 3:00pm-7:00pm. Conference bookings are made through your "My CBE Account": https://webapps.cbe.ab.ca/ParentTeacherInterview/Booking.aspx
September Scholastic book orders are due tomorrow if you are interested in ordering. Cheques or online payment only.
Students are coming home with a notice regarding our upcoming ArtFelt Studios, in-class wool felting session. I am still in need of additional volunteers. If you are able to join us on Wednesday, September 27th in the afternoon, please email me.
Have a good evening!
Ms. Thomas
The last couple of days, we have been "dissecting" our sunflower head, separating the florets from the seeds. Students added a petal, floret and seed to their sketchbooks, as well as wrote a fact they have learned so far, either through observation, or through our shared readings of non-fiction texts. Many students were surprised to find out that there are 67 different kinds of sunflowers around the world!
Today, we had a special visitor in our room - my Mom, Mrs. Thomas! The students all took the time to greet her with a handshake and introduce themselves, making her feel so welcome that she promises to come back next week. Students worked with her to create balloon, glue and string "lanterns" for upcoming birthday celebrations.
A reminder that conference bookings open tomorrow. Conferences for students in Room 8 will only be on Thursday, September 28th from 8:30am-11:30am or 3:00pm-7:00pm. Conference bookings are made through your "My CBE Account": https://webapps.cbe.ab.ca/ParentTeacherInterview/Booking.aspx
September Scholastic book orders are due tomorrow if you are interested in ordering. Cheques or online payment only.
Students are coming home with a notice regarding our upcoming ArtFelt Studios, in-class wool felting session. I am still in need of additional volunteers. If you are able to join us on Wednesday, September 27th in the afternoon, please email me.
Have a good evening!
Ms. Thomas
Tuesday, 19 September 2017
Family BBQ - New Date
New date: September 28, 2017 from 4pm to 7pm
Lake Bonavista School East Field
Bring your lawn chairs or blanket! Enjoy a hotdog; catch up with old friends and meet new ones. Meal combos include a hot dog, chips and drink.
Ice Cream scooped courtesy of LBS Council/Improvement Society.
Please visit: https://lakebonavista.yapsody.com/event/index/150541
to complete your order on or before ***September 26th***
*Please note: if the link above does not open automatically, please cut and paste it into a new browser
We will require volunteers to help set up, BBQ hotdogs, distribute and clean up.
Please contact Krista Robertson lbsvolunteercoordinator@gmail.com if you are able to volunteer.
Hope to see you all there!!!
Lake Bonavista School Council
Terry Fox Run
We will be having our Annual Terry Fox Run on Tuesday, September 26th at 1:15pm. Teachers will be discussing with students the life of Terry Fox and the contributions he has made to cancer research. We would like to extend the invitation to all parents and families to join us for the Terry Fox Run.
Students can dedicate their run to someone who they know that has been affected by cancer. Please speak to your child prior to our run and if they choose to they can write who they are running for on a sticker that they will wear during the run.
Should you wish to make a donation online, please use the following link to donate through the Terry Fox website: http://www.terryfox.ca/LakeBonavista
Feel free to bring in cash donations to the office. (Donations will be accepted until next Thursday, September 28th)
Let’s keep Terry’s dream to find a cure for cancer alive.
Monday, 18 September 2017
Open House and BBQ
Hello Families,
Due to the poor weather forecast for this Thursday, the Open House and BBQ have been cancelled.
Thank you.
Due to the poor weather forecast for this Thursday, the Open House and BBQ have been cancelled.
Thank you.
Monday, September 18th, 2017
Hello Families,
Today, students worked on one of two activites:
1. Sunflower Measurement. Students were developing their understanding of non-standard using paperclips, cubes and gems, practicing an ability to place the first tool at the end of the object, ensuring each tool touches end to end in a straight line, and using one tool at a time to measure an object.
2. Toilet Paper Solar System model. Students recognized that the current model we have in the classroom shows each planet an equal distance away from each other, which is note correct! Using a table of relative distances, students marked off the distances to each of the planets on a 100 sheet long piece of toilet paper. Students were developing their ability to count on from a known number, and applying their understanding of familiar numbers to understand unfamiliar ones.
In the afternoon, we got together with Ms. Gray's class to continue learning about The First Great Lesson. We explored the idea of liquids, and how the earth settled into different molten rock layers based on how heavy the particles were. Students explored three different liquids (syrup, water and oil) to see if they could identify characteristics which might indicate which liquid was "heavy", which was "medium-heavy" and which was "light". After making predictions, they poured them together and observed how the liquids settled into layers. Even after the layers were mixed together, they settled back into the same positions.
In your child'a mail folder this evening, please find a notice (light yellow) about Fun Lunches this year. Thank you to School Council for organizing this for our school community.
- please return your child's Poetry Folder at your earliest convenience.
- library exchange is tomorrow. Library exchange is every Tuesday.
- please return your demographic information package (brown envelope) at your earliest convenience.
- ADmazing coupon book fundraiser is ongoing.
- September Scholastic book orders due this Thursday.
Thank you everyone! Have a wonderful evening!
Ms. Thomas
Today, students worked on one of two activites:
1. Sunflower Measurement. Students were developing their understanding of non-standard using paperclips, cubes and gems, practicing an ability to place the first tool at the end of the object, ensuring each tool touches end to end in a straight line, and using one tool at a time to measure an object.
2. Toilet Paper Solar System model. Students recognized that the current model we have in the classroom shows each planet an equal distance away from each other, which is note correct! Using a table of relative distances, students marked off the distances to each of the planets on a 100 sheet long piece of toilet paper. Students were developing their ability to count on from a known number, and applying their understanding of familiar numbers to understand unfamiliar ones.
In the afternoon, we got together with Ms. Gray's class to continue learning about The First Great Lesson. We explored the idea of liquids, and how the earth settled into different molten rock layers based on how heavy the particles were. Students explored three different liquids (syrup, water and oil) to see if they could identify characteristics which might indicate which liquid was "heavy", which was "medium-heavy" and which was "light". After making predictions, they poured them together and observed how the liquids settled into layers. Even after the layers were mixed together, they settled back into the same positions.
In your child'a mail folder this evening, please find a notice (light yellow) about Fun Lunches this year. Thank you to School Council for organizing this for our school community.
- please return your child's Poetry Folder at your earliest convenience.
- library exchange is tomorrow. Library exchange is every Tuesday.
- please return your demographic information package (brown envelope) at your earliest convenience.
- ADmazing coupon book fundraiser is ongoing.
- September Scholastic book orders due this Thursday.
Thank you everyone! Have a wonderful evening!
Ms. Thomas
Friday, 15 September 2017
Friday, September 15th, 2017
Hello Families,
Happy International Dot Day 2017! International Dot Day, a global celebration of creativity, courage and collaboration, began when teacher Terry Shay introduced his classroom to Peter H. Reynolds’ book The Dot on September 15, 2009.
Happy International Dot Day 2017! International Dot Day, a global celebration of creativity, courage and collaboration, began when teacher Terry Shay introduced his classroom to Peter H. Reynolds’ book The Dot on September 15, 2009.
If you are unfamiliar with the book, please find it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5mGeR4AQdM
Inspired by The Dot and the work of artist Andy Goldsworthy, students respectfully harvested materials from the school garden to create their own "Nature Dots". It was amazing to see the different processes students engaged in, either starting from a center "dot" and expanding outwards, or creating an outer "ring" and filling in the centre. After completing their first piece, students were challenged to use the opposite process, and the results were incredible:
All the Nature Dots will be on show during our Open House on September 21st. Hope to see you there!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Ms. Thomas
Thursday, 14 September 2017
Thursday, September 14th, 2017
Hi Families,
Lots of mail over the last couple of days! In your child's mail folder, you should find:
1. SPUD Fundraiser information
2. Incident letter dated September 14, 2017
3. Student demographic package (brown envelope full of forms)
ADmazing fundraiser continues until October. Please see the package sent home earlier this week for information on ordering coupon books.
September Scholastic book orders are due Thursday, September 21st.
Have a wonderful evening everyone!
Ms. Thomas
Lots of mail over the last couple of days! In your child's mail folder, you should find:
1. SPUD Fundraiser information
2. Incident letter dated September 14, 2017
3. Student demographic package (brown envelope full of forms)
ADmazing fundraiser continues until October. Please see the package sent home earlier this week for information on ordering coupon books.
September Scholastic book orders are due Thursday, September 21st.
Have a wonderful evening everyone!
Ms. Thomas
Welcome Back Family BBQ!
Join us at the Lake Bonavista School Council
Welcome Back Family BBQ!
Your Family Is Invited:
Thursday September 21st, 2017 from 4pm- 7pm
Lake Bonavista School East Field
Bring your lawn chairs or blanket! Enjoy a hotdog; catch up with old friends and meeting new ones.
Meal combos include a hot dog, chips and drink.
Ice Cream scooped courtesy of LBS Council/Improvement Society.
Please visit: https://lakebonavista.yapsody.com/event/index/150541
to complete your order on or before ***September 19th***
Would you like to help?
We will require volunteers to help set up, BBQ hotdogs, distribute and clean up.
Please contact Krista Robertson:
Hope to see you all there!!!
Lake Bonavista School Council
Tuesday, 12 September 2017
Volunteer Clearance
On September 21, 2017 from 3:00pm to 4:30pm we will be available in the main office for you to complete either a full Calgary Police Service Volunteer Clearance or your yearly Volunteer Registration form. We are also available from 7:30am – 3:30pm, Monday to Friday at the main office to complete this process.
Tuesday, September 12th, 2017
Hi Families,
We have been busy building classroom routines, and the students are more and more successful and independent each day! I am so proud of their growth already this year, and their positive mindsets for learning new things!
In small groups, and pairs, we have done two building challenges. With both challenges - the Spaghetti Challenge and the Lego Bridge Challenge - students practiced our six classroom building expectations:
1. Focus on the challenge.
2. Everyone participates.
3. Consider all ideas.
4. Use "groupwork" voices.
5. Treat materials respectfully.
All students have been successful, and made connections between the challenges. When groups develop the same understanding in different ways, it is amazing what the students learn from each other. Here are some of our challenge photos:
We have started two routines for the end of the day. One is classroom jobs, an important part of practical life skills and caring for our classroom environment. Ask your child which job they have been assigned, and if they have a partner.
Our other routine is Peace Conferences. As we sit in a circle, our Peace Rock gets passed from person to person. Each person has the opportunity to speak, or pass the Peace Rock, depending if they have something to share. It is their opportunity to say "Thank you", "Sorry" or "Congratulations" to a classmate, ending everyone's day on a positive note.
We have been inspired by the art of Vincent VanGogh in looking at sunflowers. With real life examples in our classroom, students are looking at colour, pattern and shape of the flowers. We will continue exploring the sunflowers through the eyes of an artist, botanist and mathematician over the next couple of weeks.
Starting tomorrow, students will learn about the Montessori Great Lessons. The Five Great Lessons are a group of impressionistic stories that are meant to provide elementary Montessori students with a “big picture” of the world and life. At this stage of development, children are becoming aware of the world and their place in it. These lessons are bold, exciting, and are designed to awaken a child's imagination and curiosity. The first Great Lesson: Coming of the Universe and the Earth explores the beginnings of the universe, including the Big Bang.
Today, we got on the laptop computers for the first time. Students are working on basic keyboard skills (identifying and using the keys to enter username, password and website information) as well as using the mouse to navigate the Safari application and access the main menu. You can support your child's learning by using the information sent home yesterday to access RAZ Kids online.
We had our first library exchange today. Some students chose to bring home their book to share, others chose to keep it in their classroom cubby to read.
Last, we had our first fire drill of the year this afternoon. The students were amazing!
In your child's mail folder yesterday, you will have found:
- RAZ Kids (www.kidsa-z.com) home login information.
- September Scholastic book orders. These are due back Thursday, September 21st if you wish to order.
- ADmazing Coupon Book information. Please read the enclosed letter if you care to order.
Thank you to everyone who has already returned their child's yellow Poetry Folder. We look forward to sharing a new poem with you at the end of the week.
I am still looking for volunteers to join us for our ArtFelt Studios in-class wool felting on the afternoon of September 27th. If you are able to volunteer, please email me.
There is so much happening these days, I hope I've managed to capture the highlights. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.
Thank you everyone!
Ms. Thomas
We have been busy building classroom routines, and the students are more and more successful and independent each day! I am so proud of their growth already this year, and their positive mindsets for learning new things!
In small groups, and pairs, we have done two building challenges. With both challenges - the Spaghetti Challenge and the Lego Bridge Challenge - students practiced our six classroom building expectations:
1. Focus on the challenge.
2. Everyone participates.
3. Consider all ideas.
4. Use "groupwork" voices.
5. Treat materials respectfully.
All students have been successful, and made connections between the challenges. When groups develop the same understanding in different ways, it is amazing what the students learn from each other. Here are some of our challenge photos:
We have started two routines for the end of the day. One is classroom jobs, an important part of practical life skills and caring for our classroom environment. Ask your child which job they have been assigned, and if they have a partner.
Our other routine is Peace Conferences. As we sit in a circle, our Peace Rock gets passed from person to person. Each person has the opportunity to speak, or pass the Peace Rock, depending if they have something to share. It is their opportunity to say "Thank you", "Sorry" or "Congratulations" to a classmate, ending everyone's day on a positive note.
We have been inspired by the art of Vincent VanGogh in looking at sunflowers. With real life examples in our classroom, students are looking at colour, pattern and shape of the flowers. We will continue exploring the sunflowers through the eyes of an artist, botanist and mathematician over the next couple of weeks.
Starting tomorrow, students will learn about the Montessori Great Lessons. The Five Great Lessons are a group of impressionistic stories that are meant to provide elementary Montessori students with a “big picture” of the world and life. At this stage of development, children are becoming aware of the world and their place in it. These lessons are bold, exciting, and are designed to awaken a child's imagination and curiosity. The first Great Lesson: Coming of the Universe and the Earth explores the beginnings of the universe, including the Big Bang.
Today, we got on the laptop computers for the first time. Students are working on basic keyboard skills (identifying and using the keys to enter username, password and website information) as well as using the mouse to navigate the Safari application and access the main menu. You can support your child's learning by using the information sent home yesterday to access RAZ Kids online.
We had our first library exchange today. Some students chose to bring home their book to share, others chose to keep it in their classroom cubby to read.
Last, we had our first fire drill of the year this afternoon. The students were amazing!
In your child's mail folder yesterday, you will have found:
- RAZ Kids (www.kidsa-z.com) home login information.
- September Scholastic book orders. These are due back Thursday, September 21st if you wish to order.
- ADmazing Coupon Book information. Please read the enclosed letter if you care to order.
Thank you to everyone who has already returned their child's yellow Poetry Folder. We look forward to sharing a new poem with you at the end of the week.
I am still looking for volunteers to join us for our ArtFelt Studios in-class wool felting on the afternoon of September 27th. If you are able to volunteer, please email me.
There is so much happening these days, I hope I've managed to capture the highlights. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.
Thank you everyone!
Ms. Thomas
Tuesday, 5 September 2017
First Day Of School
Hello Families,
What a wonderful first day of school! It was fantastic to see you all on the compound this morning, reconnecting with familiar families, and meeting some new friends. I look forward to our year together!
We spent a lot of time learning and reminding ourselves of routines today. The grade 2s were excellent models, and made my heart melt with the gentle reminders and encouraging words they had for the grade 1s. Beautiful, natural mentorship.
We read two very silly stories today. Our first one was called, "Dear Teacher" by Amy Husband and is written as a collection of letters from a boy, Micheal, to his new teacher, trying to "save" himself from attending the first day of school. Our other story, "On the Way Home" by Jill Murphy tells the story of Clare, who has hurt her knee so she sets off home to tell her mum all about it. On the way she meets her friends and tells them how the fall happened. But just how did it happen . . .? Was she dropped by a wolf, a slithering snake, an enormous dragon or a hairy gorilla?! Both of these stories had the children smiling at the characters big imaginations.
We attended gym with our big buddy class, Ms. Bouchard, and played two games to get to know each other: "Buddy Up" and "Introduce Yourself Tag". Ask your child to explain how to play.
We worked on our very first poem of the year, identifying two things we can't wait to learn this year, and drawing matching illustrations. We look forward to bringing them home to share at the end of the week.
Last, we worked on our creating placemats to use during snack, lunch and celebrations as a way of caring for our space.
Thank you again for all your smiley faces this morning! Teachers feel nervous on the first day too, and it was a wonderful way to be greeted!
Have a wonderful evening everyone!
Ms. Thomas
What a wonderful first day of school! It was fantastic to see you all on the compound this morning, reconnecting with familiar families, and meeting some new friends. I look forward to our year together!
We spent a lot of time learning and reminding ourselves of routines today. The grade 2s were excellent models, and made my heart melt with the gentle reminders and encouraging words they had for the grade 1s. Beautiful, natural mentorship.
We read two very silly stories today. Our first one was called, "Dear Teacher" by Amy Husband and is written as a collection of letters from a boy, Micheal, to his new teacher, trying to "save" himself from attending the first day of school. Our other story, "On the Way Home" by Jill Murphy tells the story of Clare, who has hurt her knee so she sets off home to tell her mum all about it. On the way she meets her friends and tells them how the fall happened. But just how did it happen . . .? Was she dropped by a wolf, a slithering snake, an enormous dragon or a hairy gorilla?! Both of these stories had the children smiling at the characters big imaginations.
We attended gym with our big buddy class, Ms. Bouchard, and played two games to get to know each other: "Buddy Up" and "Introduce Yourself Tag". Ask your child to explain how to play.
We worked on our very first poem of the year, identifying two things we can't wait to learn this year, and drawing matching illustrations. We look forward to bringing them home to share at the end of the week.
Last, we worked on our creating placemats to use during snack, lunch and celebrations as a way of caring for our space.
Thank you again for all your smiley faces this morning! Teachers feel nervous on the first day too, and it was a wonderful way to be greeted!
Have a wonderful evening everyone!
Ms. Thomas
Introductory Letter
This is a copy of the letter sent home in your child's mail folder this evening.
Please see the original for the tear-off portion for our Volunteer Coordinator.
Monday, September 4th – Labour Day Holiday, No School.
Please see the original for the tear-off portion for our Volunteer Coordinator.
Families of Room 8, September 2017
Welcome to the 2017/2018 school
year at Lake Bonavista. We have a very exciting year ahead of us in grades 1
and 2, and I just can’t wait to get started! Please take the time to read over
this letter as it contains important information that will ensure your child
has a successful school year.
will be many forms coming home with your child in the next few days. Please read
through the notices and return the appropriate forms to ensure we have the most
up-to-date information on your child.
child will be bringing home ‘mail’ (notices), library books, and completed
projects on a regular basis. They will be supplied with a Communication Folder (yellow)
to ensure these important items safe delivery. Please be sure to check and
return the Communication Folders on a daily basis.
class blog is a great place to visit to understand what your child is doing in school.
The blog is regularly updated to inform you of the activities and lessons that
your child is participating in, as well as upcoming events that may be of
is the best way to get ahold of me. My email is listed below for your convenience.
the case of absences or changes in pick up/drop off – including bus routine –
please call the office before 12:00pm, or use the “Report an Absence” button on
the Lake Bonavista School homepage.
Lunch and Snacks
a regular day, students will have a morning nutrition break (snack) as well as
midday lunch. There is outdoor recess in the afternoon, but no scheduled snack.
Children are to bring their own healthy snacks and lunch to school as well as a
water bottle. Information regarding classroom allergies will be provided in the
upcoming weeks.
Clothes and Shoes
send your child in comfortable clothing that s/he can sit on the carpet in,
play in, and possibly get slightly dirty. Also, please send an extra set of
clothing with your child in a labeled bag, to hang on their hook in case of
accidents, spills or wet, rainy days.
safety reasons, children at Lake Bonavista are required to wear shoes at all
times. Please send a pair of shoes to school with your child (indoor shoes)
that s/he can use for the classroom. Students participate in daily Physical
Education activities, and sandals, crocs, etc. are not safe for these activities.
If your child is most comfortable in dressier shoes for indoors, please
consider also sending a pair of runners to be kept at school for them to change
into for running and games.
label all your child’s belongings. Two Lost & Found boxes are located in
the main hallway if you find your child is missing an item.
Book Exchange
the library schedule and Home Reading schedule are yet to be determined. Please
watch the blog for information on our exchange dates.
will have the opportunity to engage in the use of technology throughout the
school year. I ask that you provide your child with headphones for minimal
classroom disruption.
label the headphones with your child’s name. They will be kept in their cubby
for the duration of the school year.
volunteers are required to fill out volunteer forms in the office. These forms
take time to process, so if you are considering volunteering at all this year,
please fill out the forms at your earliest convenience. The Lake Bonavista
Volunteer Handbook is available on the school homepage explaining the
screening, registration and clearance process, as well as the Calgary Board of
Education expectations and Code of Ethics.
are many ways to volunteer – please check the blog and look for emails from our
classroom Volunteer Coordinator (with your permission given) explaining
opportunities that may be available and that fit a number of different
schedules and lifestyles.
first volunteer opportunity will be in the afternoon of Wednesday, September 27th
with Leah Donald from ArtFelt Studios coming to do wool felting in our class.
If you would like to volunteer for this program, please email me.
you are interested in being our classroom Volunteer Coordinator, please email
me expressing your interest.
Upcoming Important Dates in
Monday, September 4th – Labour Day Holiday, No School.
September 5th – First Day of School.
September 12th – School Council Meeting at 6:30pm.
Everyone welcome to attend!
Thursday, September 21st – School Open House. Details to follow.
Thursday, September 21st – School Open House. Details to follow.
September 21st – Welcome Back
BBQ. Details to follow.
September 22nd – PD Day. No
school for students.
September 27th – ArtFelt Studios, In-class Program.
September 28th – Early Dismissal at 11:38am.
Thursday, September 28th – Meet the Teacher. Details to follow.
Thursday, September 28th – Meet the Teacher. Details to follow.
September 29th – Meet the Teacher. Details to follow.
looking forward to a wonderful year with your child. Please do not hesitate to
contact me with any questions or concerns.
Kelly Thomas
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