Friday 24 May 2019

Fish Creek Park, Arts Commons and Other Goings On

Hi Families,

Our final Fish Creek Park visit continued to match our expectations for weather and experiences! Thank you to all the volunteers who helped make our series such a success! During our walk-alongside we viewed Ms. Thomas' favourite plant, Wolf Willow, and learned about its different uses, as well as explored some evidence of insects: wood ants and a goldenrod gall fly.

We had a wonderful field-trip to Arts Commons yesterday, participating in workshops on masks, and indigenous drumming. Thank you to the volunteers who were able to join us for the day!

We had some hairy, crawling friends join our classroom at the end of his week. Most students have predicted they are caterpillars and that they will soon transform. Watch the blog for updates!

Next week, we are back to routine! Lots of fantastic learning still to happen this year, especially as we bring the learning from our field-trips back to the classroom and make connections throughout the curriculum, and developing writing and art projects. As always, our learning is cumulative, so when your child misses time in the classroom, it leaves gaps in their understanding as they are not present for supporting activities, rich conversation and micro-teaching moments. Please do your best to encourage full attendance in these last few weeks before summer holidays!

Today, the final Scholastic Book order of the school year was sent home. There are a number of great titles to keep students enjoying reading over the summer! I am sending it home early to allow significant time for the shipment to arrive before summer holidays. Please see the note attached to the orders for a special code allowing your child to receive a free book on orders over $30.

Reminders for next week:
- Independent Spelling Program resumes Monday. Look for lists in your child's folder, if applicable.
- Please send Home Reading for exchange.
- Library exchange on Wednesday.

Thank you families! Have a wonderful weekend!
Ms. Thomas