Hi Families,
I hope you all had wonderful weekends!
Some updates for you regarding a few different things in the classroom:
Soft Entry
This year, we are doing a SOFT-ENTRY model in the morning. This means, that as students arrive at the school, between 8:00am and 8:10am, they will be let into the school at their regular entry/dismissal doors by a teacher on supervision. This gradual entry reduces doorway/hallway congestion, supporting social distancing. If your child arrives after 8:10am, and there are no longer any adults on supervision, they are considered LATE and must walk around to the front office on 120th Avenue for entry. Please do not encourage them to knock, bang or attempt to gather attention from someone in the classroom, as instruction will have started.
In addition to being outside for lunch and afternoon recess, we also like to regularly go outside as a class throughout the day. Currently, we are participating in outdoor gym, as well as picnic snack. We hope to also be use our outdoor spaces for additional learning activities as much as possible! Please support your child in dressing comfortably for the variety of weather we can experience in a Calgary day – we go outside in sun, rain and snow!
Allergies/Medical Concerns
If your child has a significant health issue that may affect their time at school, please complete the following:
Student Health Plan here: https://cbe.ab.ca/FormsManuals/Student-Health-Plan.pdf#search=student%20health%20plan
Student Health Emergency Response Protocol Plan here: https://cbe.ab.ca/FormsManuals/Student-Health-Emergency-Response-Protocol-Form.pdf#search=Emergency%20Response%20Protocol (include a photo, if you can)
Google Classroom
On Friday, you would have received login information for your child’s various school accounts, including Google Classroom. In lieu of paper forms and activities being sent home, they will be uploaded here for access as necessary.
Please take some time this week to explore the current content on Google Classroom:
- information about our Home Reading program (RAZ Kids)
- digital copies of our poems from the last two weeks, for home practice
- Math games that have been introduced in class
- Weekly Work (to be updated)