Monday, 14 September 2020

First Week of School - Welcome Back!

 This message was sent to all families on Friday, September 4th, 2020 through SchoolMessenger.

Hello Families, Welcome and welcome back to Lake Bonavista School and Room 8! This year, classroom communication will happen primarily through email and Google Classroom. Next week, I will be sending home your child’s login information for Google Classroom so you can access the Stream (our blog) as well as resources and materials. At this time, I also request that communication from home come digitally as much as possible to reduce touch-points. We’ve had a great week getting to know each other, our space and our routines. The students are demonstrating amazing resilience and flexibility within all the changes involved with returning to school. Ask your child about: - familiar friends and new friends - different ways that we are greeting each other (Ms. Thomas misses hugs!) - our Buddy class (Ms. Bouchard) - games they’ve been learning for field play
- their Guided Drawing this week (Pigeon by Mo Willems) - what math game they learned - materials that are in their cubby - Mindful drawing after lunch - how they first felt about returning to school, and how they feel now (one of our Sharing Circle prompts) - 1 Star (good thing) and 1 Wish (thing they would change) about their day (another Sharing Circle prompt) After so much time away from physical school, it will take time for everyone to build up their “school stamina” (even the teachers!) In the upcoming days and weeks, please let me know if you are concerned about their adjustment to grade 1 and 2. In your child’s backpack this evening, please find two provided face masks to add to your collection. They have been labeled with their initials for easy identification. Thank you families! I hope you have a wonderful long-weekend! See you Tuesday on the South Field! Ms. Thomas