Friday 16 October 2020

Friday, October 16th, 2020

 Hi Families, 

We had our first experience with cooler weather and snow this week. Everyday, your child will spend time outside, for instruction and/or recreation, and need to be dressed so they are safe and comfortable.

This week, ask your child about:

- identifying responsibilities at home using our poem, "This is the Way I Help at Home" as a springboard*
- created a detailed illustration to accompany our poem, demonstrating at least two responsibilities we have at home
- reviewing/learning our last Animated Literacy characters: Yy, Qq, Zz and Ee*
- journal writing at our just right literacy level using the sentence frames:
                - "On the weekend..."                 
                - "School is a safe place because..."

School is a safe place because the teachers will put a bandaid on your owie.
They also pay attention to you. 

School is a safe place because it is clean and there is supervisors. 

School is a safe place because my teacher keeps me safe and my friends stand up for me.

School is a safe place because I feel like a family here.
Oh, my heart 💕

- creating t-charts for sorting 3D objects into two groups
- sorting 3D shapes based on their different physical attributes and characteristics*:

                - Roll/Can't Roll
                - Apex/No Apex
                - All Faces the Same/Faces Different

- generated clues with math specific vocabulary to help students identify a mystery 2D or 3D shape*
- demonstrated different ways of recording numbers through a Roll it, Write it, Tally it, Show it activity (grade 1s numbers to 20, grade 2s numbers to 100 and drawing a place value model for tens and ones)*
- discussing different family structures using the book "A Family is a Family is a Family"*
- illustrating our own family focusing on details that identify each person and makes them unique
- brainstorming different ways families are unique: language/culture, celebrations/traditions, sports/hobbies, etc.
- developing symbols to represent the different ways our families are special (i.e. if Halloween is a big celebration in our family, what symbol can we use to represent this?)
- recalling a ladybug's body parts, and listening to non-fiction texts to determine the purpose of each body part
- participating in a Design Thinking activity with Mrs. Proctor and Ms. Durnford based on the book "Stuck"*
- practicing COVID adapted procedures for lockdowns

*Materials/visuals or templates for these activities re available on Google Classroom to support home learning routines, or in the case of a prolonged absence from school*

To end the week, students completed a Guided Drawing, where they follow step-by-step instructions and develop visual perceptual and visual motor skills. Using a checklist, they then completed the additional criteria, self-monitoring for completion. 

To finish the work period, students participated in a Gallery Walk, viewing other student's work, and looking at the unique details each person added. In a Sharing Circle, students volunteered compliments on the work they saw.

Happy crab in a fish tank.

Crabby crab under the sea.

Swimming with the octopuses. 

Hanging out on the beach.

Self-monitoring using a checklist. 

Please see the additional blog notes regarding:

- Headphones
- Waste Reduction Week
- Upcoming Walking Field Trips
- Halloween at Lake Bonavista School

Some Important Upcoming Dates:

- Thursday, October 29th: LBS Halloween Celebrations (details to follow)
- Friday, October 30th: Professional Development Day, no school for students
- Tuesday, November 3rd: Photo Retakes

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Ms. Thomas