Saturday 13 April 2019

Friday, April 12th, 2019

Hi Families,

Thank you for supporting your child with participating in our Colour Days this week - we had a great time sorting, comparing and naming the different colours we wore, and created some classroom resources to help with our descriptive writing.

As a reminder, we start our week next week grey. Monday is also Jersey Day throughout the school, so students came up with some creative ways to support BOTH Jersey Day and Grey Day:

- jersey on the top, grey pants on the bottom!
- a grey t-shirt layer underneath!
- grey accessories like socks and headbands!

In your child's mail folder, please find a package of forms for our upcoming swimming lessons. Please read each form carefully and fill in the required information. Acknowledgement of Risk, Trico Swim Ability form, CBE Swim Ability form and payment slip are due back mid-week. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

Volunteers are still needed for the days we are swimming. Please contact myself or Kathryn Molcak if you are able to volunteer for even one afternoon.

Some reminders for the upcoming week:

- Friday, April 19th is Good Friday. No school for staff or students.
- Monday, April 22nd is a PD Day. No school for students.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Ms Thomas