Friday 1 June 2018

Friday, June 1st, 2018

Hi Families,

Yes, you read that blog date correctly, June 1st. Can you believe it?

On Monday, we enjoyed a performance from Evergreen Theatre. The "Sinking Island" was a nautical adventure showing how our changing oceans affect the world around us.

The highlight of our week was definitely out field trip to Fish Creek Park. We had an absolutely amazing day! Beginning at Votier's Flats, we had opportunities to revisit the area and the wonderings we left with last time. It was amazing to see how much the landscaped "greened up" and grew in such a short time! We then walked to Bebo Grove, exploring the creek at multiple stops along the way. At Bebo Grove, we experienced a whole new landscape of coniferous trees, with access to the creek and some marsh areas. We can't wait until our final field trip covering Bebo Grove to Shannon Terrace on Wednesday, June 13th. We are looking for volunteers to join us for the day. If you are able to volunteer, please contact me.

We continued with our swimming lessons this week, and have one more this upcoming Tuesday, June 5th. Thank you to all the volunteers who have made this experience so smooth and effortless! We could not do it without you!

With the rain this week, students wrote their own shape (or concrete) poem titled "Rain" to share with you. Please find it in their Poetry folder for sharing.

We also continued with our raindrop photography skills, using feedback loops to help us become more successful. When we reviewed the photographs, there were lots of gasps of astonishment as we recognized our growth as photographers, as well as the wonder of macro photography.

Invitations for our upcoming Volunteer Tea came home this week. Thank you to all the volunteers who have taken different roles in our classroom and school! Please RSVP to if you plan to attend.

A note about Home Reading. I will begin collection of Home Reading books in approximately two weeks. Please take this opportunity to exchange your child's Home Reading books a couple more times before the end of the year to understand where they are at with their reading, and celebrate their growth with up-to-date books.

Our Aussie Rules visiting program begins on Monday. If you have not done so already, please return your child's Acknowledgement of Risk (orange) on Monday. Without a complete form, they will not be able to participate. 

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Ms. Thomas