Thursday, 15 October 2020

Waste Reduction Week

Hi Families, 

Next week is Waste Reduction Week: 

School lunches can generate a lot of waste, making an impact on our environment. The CBE School Re-Entry Plan asks staff and students to pack-in and pack-out all food each day.  

Students are provided with a paper towel when eating to define their eating space and keep the tables clean. However, next week, we would like to encourage students to start bringing a fabric napkin/placemat from home instead, and see how much of a difference we can make with our classroom waste. The napkin/placemat would travel in the child's lunchkit for daily use, washing or replacing as needed. 

As a reminder, plastic spoons are available on a very limited basis and not a preferred option. Please continue to pack a reusable fork or spoon as needed for your child lunch. In some cases, if your child is working towards independent opening of packages (fruit snacks, yogurt tubes, granola bars, etc.) including a small pair of scissors for food-only use would be appreciated. 

Thank you!