Friday, 16 October 2020

Halloween at Lake Bonavista School

LBS is planning low-key Halloween activities on Thursday October 29. 


If children are planning to dress up at school, please discuss plans with them for:

  • a costume that is comfortable to wear all day: able to sit down, move around easily and complete school tasks throughout the day,
  • regular sanitizing and hand-washing, as usual,
  • using an AHS face mask, costumes with attached masks or other “Halloween masks” are not to be worn and are not suitable for preventing the spread of airborne droplets,
  • school-appropriate themes (no gore, weapons and so on),
  • no shared food to be brought to school.


Children are not required to wear costumes and may choose to wear orange and black. If your family does not participate in Halloween, there will be alternate tasks and activities provided.


Students will be looking at examples/non-examples of costumes in their classrooms.  Based on the weather, we may hold a costume parade outside. Students are asked to maintain physical distancing during this outdoor event. We will send an invitation via text to families if an outdoor parade will occur. Families will be invited to view the parade from outside the edges of our school field.

October 30 is a CBE system-wide non-instructional day. Please mark your calendars, as this is a ‘No School’ day.