Saturday, 21 September 2019

Friday, September 20th, 2019

Hi Families,

This week, we spent some time celebrating "International Dot Day" (September 15) and exploring how the lessons in the story from Peter Reynolds connect to our Circle of Courage explorations into Mastery.

Your child will be bringing home "The Dot Song" poem to share with you. We have been learning the song and actions in our classroom. Here are the links if you would like to explore them with your child:

The Dot Story:

The Dot Song Motion:

We also used the book "10 Black Dots" as a mentor text to create our own writing samples using the stems "One dot can be..." and then branching into "___ dots can be..." Students came up with some extraordinary ideas!

Finally, students created individual art pastel/watercolour resist dots, as well as contributed to a small group art piece using different loose parts to stamp dots and circles. Both will be displayed during our upcoming Open House.

At the end of the week, students added to the Mastery portion on our Circle of Courage by illustrating something that they are practicing in order to improve. There is a wonderful range of skills connected to sports/activities/interests, as well as school based goals, and self-improvement. Really reflective of who each of them are as individuals!

We visited the library for the first time this week! Students will have brought their library book home on Thursday. Usually we have library exchange once a week, but at this point in time, we are waiting for a replacement library assistant, so it may take a while to establish a consistent schedule. Please watch the blog for updates - we appreciate your patience!

Please see the additional blog notes on our upcoming Terry Fox Run, Open House and Back to School BBQ, all happening this week on Thursday the 26th!

In your child's mail folder this week:
- Student Demographic Verification Report. Please complete as per the instructions and return to the school.
- Back to School BBQ and Open House invitation.
- Fun Lunch ordering notice.
- Poetry Folder.

A reminder to please return your brown envelopes of back to school paperwork, as soon as possible.

ADmazing Coupon Book fundraiser is on-going into October. If you do not wish to purchase a book, please return it to the school.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Ms. Thomas