Friday, 13 September 2019

Friday, September 13th, 2019

Hello Families,

Yes, you read that date right. In case you didn't already know, today was Friday the 13th, as well as a full moon. What a way to end our second week of school! Luckily, I think we all survived...;)

The full moon started our conversation on lunar cycles and the way in which we name things, measure the passing of time, and . Two of the names for today's full moon and lunar cycles are the Deer Moon and Harvest Moon. We discussed how people often name things based on what is important to them, so then students speculated (quite accurately!) what groups of people named these moons and why. I would encourage you to stay up late and watch the moon together tonight (when it's at it's peak) or tomorrow (when it still appears full, but is slightly waning).

We connected our ongoing conversations on classroom belonging to other groups that we belong to, recording these groups in images for our developing Circle of Courage. Students were able to identify their families, dance studios, sports teams and after-school care as different groups that they belong to.

Students have been building their repertoire of Montessori lessons, using time throughout the day to choose materials to engage with, demonstrate awareness of care and placement within the classroom, and transition to new materials of choice. I hope they have been sharing their learning with you at home.

In Phys.Ed., we have been building our safety expectations, independent skill development and collaboration through activities and games with scooters. A reminder that we have Phys. Ed. everyday, so students need to be dressed for movement and play. Our Phys.Ed. time is from 8:15am - 8:45am. Ensuring your child is on time every morning, allows them to fully enjoy this time!

As you know, our Montessori society, MAPSS, provides support for our school through funding our Montessori materials, community building events and parent and teacher learning. They have designed beautiful journals for each student and staff member to celebrate the beginning of our new school year. One will have gone home with your child yesterday. Thank you MAPSS! 

In your child's mail folder this week:

- September Scholastic book order. Ordering details enclosed within the cover letter. 
- ADmazing Savings Coupon Book and ordering information. Please see attached letter and flyer for information.
- Poetry Folders. Enjoy our latest poem from the "Chicken Soup with Rice" collection by Maurice Sendak. Ms. Thomas first learned these from her own kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Buchanan. They hold a special place in her heart and hope you enjoy the rhyme, rhythm and humour.

Upcoming important dates:

- Friday, September 20th: PD Day. No school for students. 
- Thursday, September 26th: Welcome Back Family BBQ. More information to come!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone! It looks like two days of beautiful weather to enjoy!

Ms. Thomas