Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Report Cards

Hi Families,

As we gear up for the end of the year, there are always questions about report cards. Report cards will be coming home on the last day of school. We are not able to send them home before then. If you will not be here on the last day, please let me know. Your child's report card can either wait until September, or you can provide a stamped, self-addressed envelope and we will mail it to you.

In writing report cards, I do my best to capture your child's strengths and personality. A lot of thought goes into writing report card comments and I thank you for taking the time to read them. I wanted to remind everyone that a '2' is considered 'at grade level'. If a child received a '2' on their report card last term in reading, for example, and again receives a '2' this time, that does not mean they did not improve. The expectations for the middle of grade 1 and 2, are different that the expectations at the end of grade 1 and 2, so the same mark does not mean they are not showing growth. It means they showed growth in line with the increased expectations. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about report cards, there should be nothing there that will surprise you. Appeals Day is Friday, June 28th if you would like to come in and discuss anything in person.

Thank you!
Ms Thomas