Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Lake Bonavista Sports Day!

Hello Lake Bonavista School!

Friday, June 21st is Lake Bonavista School Sports Day! The theme for this year is Colour Groups, so please dress in your colour if possible!  Students will have the whole morning to participate in awesome games like lacrosse, bocce ball, and island dodgeball. Each colour group will be creating their own team posters for the event.  

Thanks to our marvelous LBS School Council for providing a healthy, nutritious snack to all students on Sports Day. You may need to pack some extra snacks as it will be an active day!

If it’s sunny, remember to bring sunscreen, a water bottle, a hat, and proper footwear.

If it’s cloudy, remember to bring a jacket or sweater, a water bottle, and proper footwear.

See you at the LBS 2019 Colour Group Sports Day!
The Active Living Committee