Wednesday, 26 June 2019

City of Calgary - Nature Drop In Programs

Hi Families,

Did you know that the City of Calgary offers FREE drop-in nature programs at Ralph Klein Park throughout the summer?

Check out the link for more information:

Extra bonus: Ralph Klein Park has an amazing natural playground, a whole community of swallows living in mud nests under the building, and walking trails throughout the wetland to explore before or after any program!

Ms. Thomas

Friday, 21 June 2019

Mobile Adventure Playgrounds

Hi Families, 

Don't know if you've heard of this City of Calgary initiative, but they have developed these Mobile Adventure Playgrounds to "meet the needs of creative, imaginative, nature-based and self-directed play. Adventure playgrounds are dynamic spaces where children can explore, create, imagine and learn in their own way. They contain a variety of materials and loose parts such as boards, tires, tape and cardboard that children are free to use to build, demolish, assemble and change their environments as they desire."

If you're interested in exploring one of the Mobile Adventure Playgrounds over the summer, check out the website to see where they'll be:

If you and your children like exploring playgrounds around the city over the summer, can I recommend one of my favourites? I love visiting St. Patrick's Island with my little friends! It has an amazing amount of areas to keep every interest entertained. 

Happy Exploring!
Ms. Thomas

Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Tuesday, June 18th, 2019

Hi Families,

Oh my! Can you believe how few days we have left to the school year?

We continue to be busy in the classroom, setting final goals in writing, exploring number and operation relationships in math, creating comparative life-cycle flip books for the bee and butterfly, and exploring mixed media art with printmaking and sketching!

In the next few days, we have many important and exciting things happening in the classroom. If your child is going to be absent, please let me know in advance so I can plan accordingly:

Friday, June 21st 
  • Sports Day! Please see the additional blog for details from our Active Living Committee.
  • Early Dismissal at 12:15pm.
  • Home Reading collection begins. Please send in your child's bag of (5) books for collection and inventory. 
Monday, June 24th
  • STEAM Day! Students are invited to build, create and explore in personal areas of interest. 
Tuesday, June 25th
  • Camping Day! I'm not going to give away too many details, but students are invited to wear their PJs, bring a blanket or stuffy, a flashlight, as well as books and magazines for reading. 
Wednesday, June 26th 
  • Summer Birthday Celebration! If your child has a summer birthday, today we have a celebration in their honour! 
  • Board Game Day! Students may bring a board game to share with their classmates, as well as our big buddies.
Thursday, June 27th
  • Last Day of School! Today is an Early Dismissal at 12:15pm. 
Friday, June 28th
  • Appeals Day, 8:00am - 1:00pm. 
Thank you everyone!
Ms Thomas

Report Cards

Hi Families,

As we gear up for the end of the year, there are always questions about report cards. Report cards will be coming home on the last day of school. We are not able to send them home before then. If you will not be here on the last day, please let me know. Your child's report card can either wait until September, or you can provide a stamped, self-addressed envelope and we will mail it to you.

In writing report cards, I do my best to capture your child's strengths and personality. A lot of thought goes into writing report card comments and I thank you for taking the time to read them. I wanted to remind everyone that a '2' is considered 'at grade level'. If a child received a '2' on their report card last term in reading, for example, and again receives a '2' this time, that does not mean they did not improve. The expectations for the middle of grade 1 and 2, are different that the expectations at the end of grade 1 and 2, so the same mark does not mean they are not showing growth. It means they showed growth in line with the increased expectations. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about report cards, there should be nothing there that will surprise you. Appeals Day is Friday, June 28th if you would like to come in and discuss anything in person.

Thank you!
Ms Thomas

Lake Bonavista Sports Day!

Hello Lake Bonavista School!

Friday, June 21st is Lake Bonavista School Sports Day! The theme for this year is Colour Groups, so please dress in your colour if possible!  Students will have the whole morning to participate in awesome games like lacrosse, bocce ball, and island dodgeball. Each colour group will be creating their own team posters for the event.  

Thanks to our marvelous LBS School Council for providing a healthy, nutritious snack to all students on Sports Day. You may need to pack some extra snacks as it will be an active day!

If it’s sunny, remember to bring sunscreen, a water bottle, a hat, and proper footwear.

If it’s cloudy, remember to bring a jacket or sweater, a water bottle, and proper footwear.

See you at the LBS 2019 Colour Group Sports Day!
The Active Living Committee

Monday, 17 June 2019

Classroom Volunteer

Hi Everyone,

I am looking for a volunteer to help me in the classroom on a couple of days, just to get some things wrapped up for the end of the school year. Is anyone available either the morning or afternoon of Thursday, June 20th or Monday, June 24th?

If you are, could you please send me an email.

Thank you!
Ms. Thomas

Friday, 14 June 2019

Sports Day Volunteers

Hello Parents/Guardians, 

We are seeking volunteers for our LBS 2019 Sports Day! We are looking for parents who would be comfortable co-leading (with support from a teacher) a sports day activity. This year, sports day is happening on Friday, June 21st, 2019 from 9:30am until 12:00pm. If you’re available to join us please email Lindsay Brown at Please note that a valid police clearance is required to volunteer.

Active Living Committee

Monday, 10 June 2019

Monday, June 10th, 2019

Hi Families,

We had a wonderful day today, packed full of exciting things:

1. We had a presentation from Calgary Public Library. Please see the additional blog post regarding their Ultimate Summer Program.

2. We released our butterflies! It was a beautiful day to do so! Each child got to put some "nectar" on their fingers, have a butterfly land on their hand, and then carry it to a place in the garden to be released. Some butterflies were more eager to fly off than others, but they all ended up taking flight eventually!

3. We had Elder Randy Bottle come to visit the grade 1/2 classrooms this afternoon. He taught us some Blackfoot words, told us the story of Star Boy (Scarface) as well as treated us to a lullaby. Elder Randy is a valued member of our community, and we were very grateful that he could join us today to share his knowledge. He is also a celebrated author of many Blackfoot graphic novels, some of which have been turned into Virtual Reality games!

Mrs. Podgurny is starting to round-up all the library books for end of year inventory. Please return your child's at your earliest convenience.

Thank you everyone! Have a wonderful evening!
Ms. Thomas

Calgary Public Library - Ultimate Summer Challenge

Hello Families,

Today we enjoyed a presentation from Monique and Emma from the Calgary Public Library about their Ultimate Summer Challenge. This is a great way to keep children motivated for reading over the summer! Your child is coming home with some information today about the Challenge, and you can also visit their website for more information, as well as find out about all the amazing events being hosted this year at library locations around the city:

Wednesday, 5 June 2019

No School on Friday

Hi Families,

Just a reminder that this Friday, June 7th, is a Professional Development Day for teacher, no school for students.

Thank you!
Ms. Thomas

Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Book Drive and Swap

From Monday, June 10th to Friday, June 14th, Lake Bonavista School will be celebrating literacy and promoting summer reading through a Book Drive and Swap!

Throughout the week, student volunteers will be coordinating a Book Drive of gently used books that are no longer needed in your home libraries. Students will receive 1 ticket for every 2 books they bring in for the Book Drive. The Book Swap will take place on Friday, June 14th where students will have the opportunity to go “shopping” for new-to-them books with their tickets. All additional books will be donated to a school in need.

In addition, on Friday, June 14th we will be celebrating our love of reading by having a picnic with a book. Students will spend some time outside reading their favorite books with their buddy class.