Thursday, 12 October 2017

Thursday, October 12th, 2017

Hi Families, 

Today we had our first lockdown drill of the school year. Please see the information sent home in a blue notice for more information. 

Earlier this week, students started to explore the concept of identity. When asked what identity was or where they've heard it before, one students connected their understanding to superheroes, "Batman has two identities: Bruce Wayne and Batman". This prompted another student to articulate that identity is "who you are". 

Today, we started exploring the different factors that contribute to identity, starting with our name. Toegther with Room 11, we read "The Name Jar". Having just moved from Korea, Unhei is anxious that American kids will like her. So instead of introducing herself on the first day of school, she tells the class that she will choose a name by the following week. Her new classmates are fascinated by this no-name girl and decide to help out by filling a glass jar with names for her to pick from. But while Unhei practices being a Suzy, Laura, or Amanda, one of her classmates comes to her neighborhood and discovers her real name and its special meaning. On the day of her name choosing, the name jar has mysteriously disappeared. Encouraged by her new friends, Unhei chooses her own Korean name and helps everyone pronounce it—Yoon-Hey.

You can watch it together here:

Students are bringing home a notice requesting information about the story of their own name. If you can return these early next week, it would be appreciated. Over the next 5 weeks (ish) we will be collecting different stories and artifacts to support a culminating task. Your support is appreciated. 

On Friday, October 27th at 10:00am Rooms 8 and 9 will be hosting an assembly to celebrate their learning. Families are welcome to join us in the gym.

Tomorrow is Fun Lunch. Students will still need a healthy snack for the morning. If you wish to order future Fun Lunches, please visit the school homepage and scroll down to the VERY bottom for the Healthy Hunger link. Next week is Little Caesars. 

- Monday is a Professional Development Day. No school for students. 
- Scholastic Book Orders due Friday, October 20th. 
- Freezer Feastival on until Monday, October 23rd: 

Have a wonderful evening!
Ms. Thomas