Friday, 16 April 2021

Friday, April 16th, 2021

Hi Families, 

This week, we applied our understanding of non-standard measurement by planning and creating a hopscotch game. Ask your child about the different steps, any problems they encountered, and the end result. 


Reviewing the 5Ws and applying our understanding to
"stretch" a sentence through shared writing opportunities.

Scaffolded opportunities to practice in small groups. 

Making connections to our novel study: Marvin and James.

Activating prior knowledge about insects.

Revising our ideas so they are connected, and make sense.

Sound Study:

Students worked in their table group with objects from the Montessori Pink and Green boxes.
First: Sort objects into short and long vowel groups. 
Next: Use the Montessori moveable alphabet to practice the spelling patterns.

Working with the Montessori moveable alphabet increases students' risk-taking with spelling, 
as the letters are easily separated, flipped, added or exchanged when errors are identified.
Different colours for vowels and consonants helps identify the relationship between the two in words. 

Short and long vowel Bingo! 

Our poem connecting to the Silent E spelling pattern can be found in Google Classroom --> Literacy --> Poetry Study. 

In addition, I introduced the students to a song from the Electric Company
to complement our understanding of how silent "e" changes the vowel sound. 

Social Studies:

Which bird is the symbol of Nunavut? Alberta? Nova Scotia?
Give an important detail about the bird that connects to its territory/province. 

Which flower is the symbol of Nunavut? Alberta? Nova Scotia?
Can you remember some of the uses by the indigenous group of the area?

In connection with our exploration of 3 Canadian communities, students have loved watching some short clips from Canada Crew. They asked that I post the link to share at home: 

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Ms. Thomas