Saturday, 6 March 2021

Friday, March 4th, 2021

Hello Families, 

Please see the additional blog post regarding upcoming Student-Led conferences. 

This week, we've been primarily focused on wrapping up artifacts for our assembly and upcoming conferences, all of which will be available to view early next week in Google Classroom. 

In our Sound Study, we have started looking at r-controlled vowels: -ar and -or. Information about the characters, stories and actions associated with these sounds are found in Google Classroom --> Literacy    --> Animated Literacy. When students are generating word lists for these sounds, it's always interesting to find "non-examples". English is so tricky! 

We continue with our weekly Poetry Study, which can be found in Google Classroom --> Literacy --> Poetry Study, and is a great way to practice familiar texts at home. This week, with all the loose teeth in our classroom, we read the poem "And Then". 

In Math, we are using the 10 frames as a visual for representing 10 facts (addition facts with sums to 10, and their corresponding subtraction facts). Understanding number bonds for 10 support further complex mental math strategies and flexibility of number. 

This month, Ms. Nodwell is leading the students in Dance for Phys.Ed. So far, they have practiced a basic routine that involves 3 basic dance steps, and then allows for them to add a freestyle move at the end, as well as learning the Hokey Pokey and Macarena. In the upcoming week, students will explore some Line Dancing!

Finally, please enjoy this short video from Ms. Nodwell, capturing the watercolour exploration art she did with the students. Ask your child about the different techniques they learned, and which was most surprising.  

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Ms. Thomas