Friday, 11 December 2020

Friday, December 8th, 2020

Hi Families, 

This week, ask your child about:

- learning about the digraph /wh/ and the White Whistling Whale*

- identifying /wh/ vs. /w/ words from the White Whistling Whale's story*

- using environmental print, just-right texts and personal connections to identify additional words that have the /wh/ vs. /w/ words*

- practicing our weekly poem "Question Words" to share at home*

- learning a variety of math games to practice grade 1 and 2 math skills:

                     - Heading Home* (odd and even)

                     - Month by Month* (calendar, months of the year)

                     - Roll a Snowman* (subitizing) 

- working on accurate and efficient number writing through timed "Personal Best" writing rounds (how high can I get in the number sequence in 30 secs?) 

- listening to the books, "If I Were a Plus Sign" and "If I Were a Minus Sign"*

- identifying how plus and minus signs (addition and subtraction) are the same/different within a co-created Venn Diagram anchor chart*

- developing additional math stories with grade specific number and symbol criteria (grade 1, 11-20 and grade 2, 21-100)*

- building our geographical thinking of the Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere in relation to seasonal changes*

- identifying how people and animals deal with different seasonal changes in connection with problem solving for our sled design*

                       - During winter, Santa will need...

                       - During summer, Santa will need...

                       - Reindeer are built for winter. They have...

                       - Reindeer are NOT built for summer. They will need...

Some reminders for the upcoming week:
- Thursday, December 17th: Festive Sweater Day
- Friday, December 18th: No School for students. PD Day. Happy Winter Break!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Ms. Thomas