Friday, 18 December 2020

At-Home Learning: Google Meet Expectations

Hi Families, 

Google Meet plays a key part in your child's At-Home Learning, January 4th - 8th. 

Google Meets are learning time. It is expected that students:

  • Enter meetings with your microphone off
  • Depending on the activity, videos do not always need to be on
  • Only turn on your microphone when it is your turn to talk to minimize background noise
  • Students should be the only person visible on the screen 
  • Students should be in a quiet location where they are ready to learn (ie. not in bed or in a noisy space with siblings)
  • Students should be dressed appropriately (believe it or not this does have to be said- clothes are a must!)
  • Google Meet codes will always be the same and are included in the package sent home yesterday.

Thank you everyone! See you online January 4th! 
Ms. Thomas


Thursday, 17 December 2020

Thursday, December 17th, 2020

Hi Families, 

A reminder: there is no school for students tomorrow, Friday, December 18th. 

Students brought home their paper packages for at-home learning on Thursday. Their Google login information is listed on the front of the envelope as a reminder. 

Today, students brought home their headphones for use during at-home learning. It would be appreciated if these are sent back for classroom use when they return to school. 

Have a wonderful winter break and I will see you online for at-home learning on January 4th! 

Ms. Thomas

Wednesday, 16 December 2020

Food Bank Thank You!

Dear Families,

Well, our school community has outdone itself and shown incredible generosity in supporting our food drive.  In total we collected 831 food items!!!  This is a tremendous act of kindness.

Thank you to everyone who donated and helped our students learn about the positive impact they can have on other people's lives.

The Students in Rooms 16 &17 

Friday, 11 December 2020

At-Home Learning: January 4th - 8th

Hi Families,

Next week, I will be sending home paper packages for at-home learning in the new year. These packages will contain a schedule for the week, our Google Meet code, and hard copies of materials for learning. All instructions for the materials will be given through virtual lessons over Google Meet, or through Assignments in Google Classroom. No need to prepare or complete anything in advance, other than ensuring you have your child's login information, and that they have practiced logging in at home, using the same device they will use for at-home learning. 

Thank you!

Ms. Thomas

Friday, December 8th, 2020

Hi Families, 

This week, ask your child about:

- learning about the digraph /wh/ and the White Whistling Whale*

- identifying /wh/ vs. /w/ words from the White Whistling Whale's story*

- using environmental print, just-right texts and personal connections to identify additional words that have the /wh/ vs. /w/ words*

- practicing our weekly poem "Question Words" to share at home*

- learning a variety of math games to practice grade 1 and 2 math skills:

                     - Heading Home* (odd and even)

                     - Month by Month* (calendar, months of the year)

                     - Roll a Snowman* (subitizing) 

- working on accurate and efficient number writing through timed "Personal Best" writing rounds (how high can I get in the number sequence in 30 secs?) 

- listening to the books, "If I Were a Plus Sign" and "If I Were a Minus Sign"*

- identifying how plus and minus signs (addition and subtraction) are the same/different within a co-created Venn Diagram anchor chart*

- developing additional math stories with grade specific number and symbol criteria (grade 1, 11-20 and grade 2, 21-100)*

- building our geographical thinking of the Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere in relation to seasonal changes*

- identifying how people and animals deal with different seasonal changes in connection with problem solving for our sled design*

                       - During winter, Santa will need...

                       - During summer, Santa will need...

                       - Reindeer are built for winter. They have...

                       - Reindeer are NOT built for summer. They will need...

Some reminders for the upcoming week:
- Thursday, December 17th: Festive Sweater Day
- Friday, December 18th: No School for students. PD Day. Happy Winter Break!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Ms. Thomas

Thursday, 10 December 2020

Last Day Tomorrow!

Dear Families,

You continue to surprise us with your generosity!  We had so many more food items brought to the school today. We did A LOT of counting!  Tomorrow is our last day for collections, so if you were planning on sending in any items please do! 

Keep your eye out for a total item count tomorrow, as well as news about if we reached our collection goal of 500 items.

The Students in Room 16 & 17

Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Food Drive Update - Last Couple of Days!

Hello LBS Families,

We have been doing an excellent job collecting food items for our annual food drive. So far, we have 397 items collected! Remember, you have until this Friday to bring in food to help people in need. Please help us reach our goal of 500 items! We can do it LBS! 


The Students in Rooms 16 & 17

Friday, 4 December 2020

Food Drive Update

Hello LBS Families!

Our annual LBS Food Drive is off to a great start.  Today we collected 241 items!!!  Our community sure is generous, and we know that we're just getting started.  If you are able, please help us collect even more food for those in need by sending in items on or before Thursday, December 11th.

Keep your eyes peeled for more food item count updates next week!

Thanks for your help!
The students in Rooms 16 & 17