Hi Families,
It was wonderful to connect with you all during conferences on Thursday and Friday. our time together seemed to fly by, so if you have any questions or concerns that were not addressed during your conference, please feel free to email me, I am happy to continue the conversation.
This week, ask you child about:
- collecting data about the different devices students use at home to access Google Classroom - reviewing the log in process for Google Classroom on a computer (web browser) and tablet - answering their "homework" question on Google Classroom by Friday* - listening to the story of a naughty kitten in "Cookie's Week"* - journal writing at our just right literacy level, choosing between two sentence stems: - On the weekend, I... OR - On the weekend, Cookie... - generating ideas for list writing using "Wallace's Lists" as a springboard* - creating our own checklist, numbered list or itemized list based on an area of need or interest* - sorting repeating patterns and growing/increasing pattern vocabulary* - modelling growing/increasing patterns using materials, pictures and symbols (numbers)* - identifying the pattern rule in growing/increasing patterns (how much is it getting bigger by?)* - solving growing/increasing pattern problems using personal models* - learning about digraphs (two letters that when put together make one sound), and /th/ * - identified words that have the /th/ digraph in the beginning, middle and end*Materials/visuals or templates for these activities are available on Google Classroom to support home learning routines, or in the case of prolonged absence from school*
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Ms. Thomas