Teachers and staff are at school, taking each day at a time, planning next steps as information becomes available.
Your patience and understanding as we also negotiate these unfamiliar circumstances is appreciated. The Alberta Government website, Calgary Board of Education website and Lake Bonavista School website are the best places to access information regarding the current situation.
Alberta Government: https://www.alberta.ca/index.aspx
Calgary Board of Education: https://www.cbe.ab.ca/Pages/default.aspx
Alberta Government: https://www.alberta.ca/index.aspx
Calgary Board of Education: https://www.cbe.ab.ca/Pages/default.aspx
Lake Bonavista School website: http://school.cbe.ab.ca/school/LakeBonavista/Pages/default.aspx
My thoughts are with each one of you, as I know this is an unsettling time for everyone, for different reasons.
Ms. Thomas