Thursday, 24 October 2019

Thursday, October 24th, 2019

Hi Families,

As we continue to learn a variety of Math games in the classroom, we have decided that it works best if your child's green Math Games Folder stays at home, and new games are sent in Mail Folders as we learn them. That way, all games are available to revisit during your home practice routines without any pressure of time, and you can add new ones as they come home.

This week, you will have received the "Apple Tally Mark Game" for students to practice a variety of concepts that we have been developing in class:

- making connections to real life uses of tally marks such as score keeping in games and data collecting
- one-to-one correspondence as needed to count lines
- bundling groups to make 5 for more efficient counting
- skip counting by 5s and counting on as needed
- scanning and subitizing (recognizing at a glance) when groups are less than 5, between 5 and 10, and 10 or more

When you are playing the game, your can support the movement to more efficient counting by modelling your own thinking, and encouraging similar attempts in your child.

You will notice that our poems this week are chants supporting the understanding of tally marks, and skip counting by 5 as well.

This week on Seesaw, you will notice some examples of student work on patterns. We are working on accurate vocabulary to describe our patterns: core, repeating and attribute. Students were asked to choose 3 different pattern cores and extend them using their choice of classroom materials. They were further challenged to think of different attributes (colour, shape, size, direction, number) they could change within the pattern. If you have time, please leave a comment or sit down and ask your child to share their work with you.

A reminder that our assembly is on Wednesday, October 30th at 1:10pm. Hope to see you there!

Ms. Thomas