Hi Families,
Thank you to everyone who was able to join us for our assembly today! The students were thrilled to see friends and family in the audience. We appreciate you taking the time out of your day to support and encourage our learning!
A reminder that tomorrow is the Lake Bonavista School Halloween parade. Students are welcome to bring their costumes to change into over the lunch-hour. Family members are welcome to watch the parade in the gym, starting at 1:00pm.
Ms. Thomas
Wednesday, 30 October 2019
Thursday, 24 October 2019
Volunteer Opportunity
Hi Everyone,
I am looking for a volunteer to support some school-based (as opposed to classroom-based) work. It would require a 2 or 3 day commitment, totally flexible on your schedule, starting in November, again flexible based on your schedule.
If you are interested and would like some additional information, please send me an email.
Thank you!
Ms. Thomas
I am looking for a volunteer to support some school-based (as opposed to classroom-based) work. It would require a 2 or 3 day commitment, totally flexible on your schedule, starting in November, again flexible based on your schedule.
If you are interested and would like some additional information, please send me an email.
Thank you!
Ms. Thomas
Thursday, October 24th, 2019
Hi Families,
As we continue to learn a variety of Math games in the classroom, we have decided that it works best if your child's green Math Games Folder stays at home, and new games are sent in Mail Folders as we learn them. That way, all games are available to revisit during your home practice routines without any pressure of time, and you can add new ones as they come home.
This week, you will have received the "Apple Tally Mark Game" for students to practice a variety of concepts that we have been developing in class:
- making connections to real life uses of tally marks such as score keeping in games and data collecting
- one-to-one correspondence as needed to count lines
- bundling groups to make 5 for more efficient counting
- skip counting by 5s and counting on as needed
- scanning and subitizing (recognizing at a glance) when groups are less than 5, between 5 and 10, and 10 or more
When you are playing the game, your can support the movement to more efficient counting by modelling your own thinking, and encouraging similar attempts in your child.
You will notice that our poems this week are chants supporting the understanding of tally marks, and skip counting by 5 as well.
This week on Seesaw, you will notice some examples of student work on patterns. We are working on accurate vocabulary to describe our patterns: core, repeating and attribute. Students were asked to choose 3 different pattern cores and extend them using their choice of classroom materials. They were further challenged to think of different attributes (colour, shape, size, direction, number) they could change within the pattern. If you have time, please leave a comment or sit down and ask your child to share their work with you.
A reminder that our assembly is on Wednesday, October 30th at 1:10pm. Hope to see you there!
Ms. Thomas
As we continue to learn a variety of Math games in the classroom, we have decided that it works best if your child's green Math Games Folder stays at home, and new games are sent in Mail Folders as we learn them. That way, all games are available to revisit during your home practice routines without any pressure of time, and you can add new ones as they come home.
This week, you will have received the "Apple Tally Mark Game" for students to practice a variety of concepts that we have been developing in class:
- making connections to real life uses of tally marks such as score keeping in games and data collecting
- one-to-one correspondence as needed to count lines
- bundling groups to make 5 for more efficient counting
- skip counting by 5s and counting on as needed
- scanning and subitizing (recognizing at a glance) when groups are less than 5, between 5 and 10, and 10 or more
When you are playing the game, your can support the movement to more efficient counting by modelling your own thinking, and encouraging similar attempts in your child.
You will notice that our poems this week are chants supporting the understanding of tally marks, and skip counting by 5 as well.
This week on Seesaw, you will notice some examples of student work on patterns. We are working on accurate vocabulary to describe our patterns: core, repeating and attribute. Students were asked to choose 3 different pattern cores and extend them using their choice of classroom materials. They were further challenged to think of different attributes (colour, shape, size, direction, number) they could change within the pattern. If you have time, please leave a comment or sit down and ask your child to share their work with you.
A reminder that our assembly is on Wednesday, October 30th at 1:10pm. Hope to see you there!
Ms. Thomas
Tuesday, 22 October 2019
Halloween Celebrations at School...Things to Keep in Mind
Hi Families,
At Lake Bonavista School, we love celebrating Halloween. Specific details about school wide and classroom celebrations will come closer to the date, but I wanted to put some general information out there, especially as the talk in the classroom is staring to buzz with costume purchasing and making excitement!
- Costumes are to be worn in the afternoon only. Children will have an opportunity to change at lunch.
- Our school-wide Halloween Parade happens in the afternoon, families welcome to come watch.
- Morning kindergarten kids will do a mini-parade in the morning.
- Lake Bonavista School requests that costumes are
ones that children can change into independently, that
do not interfere with learning and include school
appropriate imagery, visuals and accessories.
Additional details to follow closer to the date.
Ms. Thomas
At Lake Bonavista School, we love celebrating Halloween. Specific details about school wide and classroom celebrations will come closer to the date, but I wanted to put some general information out there, especially as the talk in the classroom is staring to buzz with costume purchasing and making excitement!

- Our school-wide Halloween Parade happens in the afternoon, families welcome to come watch.
- Morning kindergarten kids will do a mini-parade in the morning.
- Lake Bonavista School requests that costumes are
ones that children can change into independently, that
do not interfere with learning and include school
appropriate imagery, visuals and accessories.
Additional details to follow closer to the date.
Ms. Thomas
Saturday, 19 October 2019
Friday, October 18th, 2019
Hi Families,
This week, we explored the final piece in our Circle fo Courage - Independence. Within Independence, students shared their thoughts, and represented their ideas on:
I can be responsible
I can show control
I can solve problems
On Thursday, author Jace Jax and artist Henry Hama visited our school to read their new Kidsburgh Chronicles book: Little Jack Jarmagan - A Halloween Tale. The presentation was captivating, as they shared their personal stories in becoming an author and illustrator duo, and the long process behind creating a published book. Students were engaged as Jace read the rhyming verse of the book, and Henry explained the steps of creating characters, from sketchbook to digital illustrations.
In your child's mail folder this week:
- October Scholastic Book Order. Please see the attached incentive coupon. Orders due October 25th.
- Picture proofs. Please see envelope for ordering details. Retakes November 12th.
- Home Reading. Please see enclosed information letter.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Ms. Thomas
This week, we explored the final piece in our Circle fo Courage - Independence. Within Independence, students shared their thoughts, and represented their ideas on:
I can be responsible
I can show control
I can solve problems
Our work on the Circle of Courage will be the focus of our assembly on
Wednesday, October 30th at 1:10pm.
We hope to see you there!
On Thursday, author Jace Jax and artist Henry Hama visited our school to read their new Kidsburgh Chronicles book: Little Jack Jarmagan - A Halloween Tale. The presentation was captivating, as they shared their personal stories in becoming an author and illustrator duo, and the long process behind creating a published book. Students were engaged as Jace read the rhyming verse of the book, and Henry explained the steps of creating characters, from sketchbook to digital illustrations.
In your child's mail folder this week:
- October Scholastic Book Order. Please see the attached incentive coupon. Orders due October 25th.
- Picture proofs. Please see envelope for ordering details. Retakes November 12th.
- Home Reading. Please see enclosed information letter.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Ms. Thomas
Thursday, 10 October 2019
Thursday, October 10th, 2019
Hi Families,
A reminder that there is no school tomorrow, as it is a PD Day for teachers, as well as no school on Monday because of the Thanksgiving holiday.
This week, students continued to develop, demonstrate and apply their understanding of odd and even. Artifacts of learning have been shared with you on Seesaw, as well as our most recent games practicing odd and even have been sent home in Math Folders.
We will begin our Home Reading program next week. Please look for information coming home along with books for your child to incorporate into your home practice routines, either Tuesday or Wednesday.
In your child's mail folder this week:
- Seesaw login information.
- Poetry Folder.
- Math Folder.
- MAPSS AGM information.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone!
Ms. Thomas
Ms. Thomas
Save the Date!
Room 8 , 9 and 11 will be hosting an assembly on
Wednesday, October 30th at 1:10pm.
celebrating our learning so far this year,
Saturday, 5 October 2019
Friday, October 4th, 2019
Hi Families,
What an interesting week with all the snow we had! We've been watching it slowly melt away and hope to have some warmer Fall weather to enjoy this week.
Lost and Found is out on display in the front hallway. There is a variety of clothing to be identified, including several pairs of brand new pairs of gloves. We have walked through a couple of times as a class, picking out thing we recognize, but if you are at the school anytime soon, you may want to walk by yourself to have a look.
This week, students were (re)introduced to the monthly routine of letter writing, sharing what they learned and enjoyed in September, and what their goal is moving into the next month. Setting goals is tricky for students, and the grade 2s have had more practice with the concept of tools and strategies in the classroom, and how to make goals measurable. Please take a moment to read your child's letter with them, and write a short note on the back celebrating their work. My notes in pencil on your child's page are to help you understand what learning supports your child received during the writing process, as well as help you read any inventive spelling as necessary.
In math, we have been looking at odd and even numbers. One common miscommunication is, "Even is skip counting by 2". In reality, both even and odd are skip counting by 2. Even skip counting starts at 0 (or another even number), and odd skip counting starts at 1 (or another odd number). Even numbers can be grouped equally into 2. Students have been participating in a variety of exploratory activities in order to develop their understanding and automaticity of odd and even numbers. We continue to build the idea that we only need to look at the units place value to determine odd or even, as 10 is even, and everything in the tens/hundreds/thousands (and so on...) place value is a multiple (made from) tens.
We've been learning some new math games to practice odd and even. If you have not already done so, please send in your child's Math Folder so that we can send them home next week for sharing and home practice.
Students have also been working on ways to collect data and answer questions, through patterns and surveys. Ask your child which one they worked with this week.
In your child's mail folder this week, please find:
- RAZ Kids home login information.
- 2019/2020 Yearbook consent and ordering information. Please read carefully. You are not obligated to purchase a yearbook, but if you would like your child's picture to be in the yearbook, you must return the signed consent.
- Poetry Folder.
- Letters Home Folder.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Ms. Thomas
What an interesting week with all the snow we had! We've been watching it slowly melt away and hope to have some warmer Fall weather to enjoy this week.
Lost and Found is out on display in the front hallway. There is a variety of clothing to be identified, including several pairs of brand new pairs of gloves. We have walked through a couple of times as a class, picking out thing we recognize, but if you are at the school anytime soon, you may want to walk by yourself to have a look.
This week, students were (re)introduced to the monthly routine of letter writing, sharing what they learned and enjoyed in September, and what their goal is moving into the next month. Setting goals is tricky for students, and the grade 2s have had more practice with the concept of tools and strategies in the classroom, and how to make goals measurable. Please take a moment to read your child's letter with them, and write a short note on the back celebrating their work. My notes in pencil on your child's page are to help you understand what learning supports your child received during the writing process, as well as help you read any inventive spelling as necessary.
In math, we have been looking at odd and even numbers. One common miscommunication is, "Even is skip counting by 2". In reality, both even and odd are skip counting by 2. Even skip counting starts at 0 (or another even number), and odd skip counting starts at 1 (or another odd number). Even numbers can be grouped equally into 2. Students have been participating in a variety of exploratory activities in order to develop their understanding and automaticity of odd and even numbers. We continue to build the idea that we only need to look at the units place value to determine odd or even, as 10 is even, and everything in the tens/hundreds/thousands (and so on...) place value is a multiple (made from) tens.
We've been learning some new math games to practice odd and even. If you have not already done so, please send in your child's Math Folder so that we can send them home next week for sharing and home practice.
Students have also been working on ways to collect data and answer questions, through patterns and surveys. Ask your child which one they worked with this week.
In your child's mail folder this week, please find:
- RAZ Kids home login information.
- 2019/2020 Yearbook consent and ordering information. Please read carefully. You are not obligated to purchase a yearbook, but if you would like your child's picture to be in the yearbook, you must return the signed consent.
- Poetry Folder.
- Letters Home Folder.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Ms. Thomas
Thursday, 3 October 2019
ADmazing Savings Coupon Books
We are now in the last week of our ADmazing Savings Coupon book fundraiser. The proceeds from this fundraising activity will be used directly in your child’s classroom. Books are available for $25.00 each, of which Lake Bonavista will use $10.50 for the benefit of our students.
If you wish to take advantage of these discounts, please complete the order form printed on the back on the ADmazing envelope, and enclose the correct amount of money - $25.00 per book ordered - directly to your child’s classroom teacher by Thursday, October 10th, 2019 or earlier.
Terry Fox Celebration!
Thank you to everyone who participated in our Annual school Terry Fox Run.
The Active Living committee is thrilled to report that we raised a grand total of $1,101 all of which will go to the Terry Fox Foundation.
Great work Lake Bonavista School!
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