What a wonderful first week back to school! We spent a lot of time getting to know each other this week, and developing common expectations as a community of learners. Grade 2 students were phenomenal in their role as mentors, offering support and leadership, and grade 1 students took on everything new with enthusiasm and interest! We have an amazing classroom dynamic, and I am truly excited for the upcoming year!
We have been reading a lot of books this week as we build expectations for group instruction and audience skills. Ask your child about their favourite, and see if they can retell the story to you:

We Don't Eat Our Classmates by Ryan T. Higgins
Dear Teacher by Amy Husband
On the Way Home by Jill Murphy
The Truth About My Unbelievable Summer by Davide Cali
How to Read a Story by Kate Messner
We have been celebrating the beginning of a new school year through:
- creating a "First Day of Grade ___" scrapbook page
- taking "First Day" photos with big, beautiful smiles in the garden
- attending a Welcome Back to School assembly
- paying "Getting to Know You Tag" as well as other cooperative activities in Phys. Ed.
- introducing ourselves to our Big Buddies from Ms. Bouchard's class
And, creating common expectations for school and classroom routines by:
- creating a Care of Our Classroom chart
- designing Food Group placemats for use during snack and lunch
- making name cards using the Moveable Alphabet
- introducing and reviewing Finger Warm-Ups for strong fine motor development
- exploring responsible work choices
And also, developing our creativity and problem solving through:
- curiosity riddles
- building with a variety of materials
AND, so much more! :) I hope your child has been coming home and sharing their days with you with excitement!
With changes to our bell times this year, Fridays are now consistently an early dismissal at 12:15PM. On Fridays, there is not formal lunchtime scheduled, but there is time in our day for two snacks as needed. Today, many students were quite hungry by the time dismissal came, so may I suggest sending extra items in their lunchbags until we understand how to keep them satiated until home. I would prefer not to hand off "hangry" kids to you ;)
Thank you for your patience as I develop dismissal expectations with the students, which included checking in with me to indicate their family member or friend was in sight, or leaving for their designated bus. A reminder that if you are making a change to their routine, an email to both myself and the office (lakebonavista@cbe.ab.ca) BEFORE NOON, or a phone call AFTER NOON is appreciated so that the change is communicated to all parties.
In your child's mail folder this week, you should have found:
- Letter of Introduction. This has been cut and paste into a blog post for your reference as needed. If you have not already done so, please consider sending in the bottom portion of the last page to receive emails regarding opportunities to volunteer in the classroom throughout the year.
- Back to School forms (in manila envelope). If these did not make it home, please contact me.
- RAZ Kids log-in information. I use RAZ Kids to complement our Home Reading program. If you have difficulties logging in, please let me know.
- Yearbooks. Students who ordered yearbooks in the 2017/2018 school year will have brought these home.
- Poetry Folders. Please see the enclosed note regarding Poetry as it connects to our Literacy work.
- Child Safe Canada pamphlet. Courses designed for school age children in a variety of areas.
Thank you everyone. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Ms. Thomas