Hopefully we're all caught up after the time change. Talking to some of the students, many of us were waking up too early in the morning, and feeling exhausted early in the evening. Hopefully after a restful weekend we'll all be "reset" for Monday :)
This week, students have been:
- building a foundation in gymnastics through animal walks, static balances, weight transfers and rolls.
- creating individual sequences incorporating the above skills.
- demonstrating an understanding of safety and respect for others through personal space and turn taking.
- developing their body awareness, endurance, flexibility and strength.
- using lists and brainstorm webs to organize their ideas on identity.
- sharing their writing with an audience using appropriate volume and pace of voice.
- demonstrating active and respectful listening to their peers.
- connected our understanding of personal identity, to character identity with the book, "Archibald Frisby"

- identifying, reproducing, extending and creating patterns.
- exploring different pattern attributes such as colour, size, direction, shape, image, sound and action.
- translating repeating patterns from one representation to another.
- making connections among concrete, pictorial, symbolic, oral and written ideas in math.
- identifying and naming different 2D shapes.
- creating images from a combination of 2D pattern blocks.
- following online tutorials to draw noses and mouths.
- learning how finishing touches can be added to make a piece of art more detailed.
- stepping back from a work to help judge how it can be improved.
If you'd like to learn about portrait drawing alongside your child, here are the lessons we've done so far:
Face: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbRMCgtcchw
Nose. This one is very "rough" but good for teaching the basic nose outline. We did this first so they could compare the two lessons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsSy3d-zpes
Nose. This one is for developing detailed noses. She talks about a blending stump, we used our pinky finger: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aai4qPQBaE
Mouth and Lips (no narration): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXv9KzLEZtE&feature=youtu.be
Our other one for mouth/lips, with narration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yidFC1VStEA
Some reminders for next week:
- Please remember to exchange your child's Home Reading once a week.
- Library exchange is on Tuesday.
- Early Dismissal at 11:38am on Thursday.
- Conferences Thursday from 3:00pm until 7:30pm.
- No School Friday.
- Conferences Friday from 8:00am until 1:00pm.
- Scholastic Book Fair in the Learning Commons during conferences.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Ms. Thomas