Friday, 24 January 2020

Friday, January 24th, 2020

Hi Families,

This week, we explored the upcoming celebration of Chinese New Year - Year of the Rat! In our poem this week, we learned about the different ways families celebrate. We learned about the Chinese zodiac, and which animal we are according to our birth year: either a sheep, rabbit, dragon, snake or horse. Because Chinese New Year is a lunar holiday, the dates change every year, so birthdays in January/February may fall into a different year. Students listened to descriptors about the different zodiac animals, and picked out key characteristics, identifying one that they felt also described themselves:

For information on celebrating the Lunar New Year in Calgary:

Our memory writing is complete! We will be assessing and revising our work next week, as well as recording it on Seesaw to share with you at home!

As we explore additional websites and apps for learning in the classroom, please send in a pair of headphones for your child to use if you have not already done so. 

In math, we revisited familiar tasks, looking for the "oops" in selected unfinished examples. Students then worked to identify where/how the "oops" happened, and ways to finish the task correctly, gaining conceptual knowledge of skip counting and personal strategies for addition of multiple addends. We also started exploring the difference between strategies and models.

We also introduced/reviewed 10 Facts, as using anchor numbers are an efficient strategy working towards fact fluency. Using the game, Making 10, students worked towards automaticity of addition 10 facts, flexibility of number with 10 facts and on to fluency between addition and subtraction to make 10, depending on their level of readiness. Look for this game coming home next week for family practice.

Our class has earned their Helping Hearts Reward Lunch! On Tuesday, January 28th, students are welcome to bring their Pokemon cards OR other toy, to play with during lunch. Please ensure Pokemon cards are in a binder/container/baggie labeled with your child's name, and toys are small enough to fit in backpacks during the day. Please no electronics.

Finally, students accessed their Prodigy accounts. Login information is coming home today. Prodigy is a highly engaging way for students to practice some of the concepts taught in class. Please keep in mind, that the Prodigy curriculum does not completely match the Alberta Program of Studies, so some concepts may not be a part of outcomes for grade 1 or 2.

Looking ahead, February is a short, busy and exciting month! Some important dates:

- February 3rd - 7th: Netball visiting program. Forms to be returned January 30th.
- February 18th: Field-trip to Leighton Art Centre. Forms coming home soon.
- February 12th: Literacy Event. Details to follow.
- February 12th: Family Dance. Details from School Council coming soon.
- February 13th and 14th: Teacher's Convention. No School for Students.
- February 17th: Family Day Holiday. No School for Students.
- February 21st - 30th: One World Drumming Residency
- February 24th: Bonavista Eye Clinic In-School Visit

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Ms. Thomas

Thursday, 23 January 2020

LBIS In-Kind Donations

Thank you to everyone who has made a generous contribution to Lake Bonavista Improvement Society’s IN-KIND-DONATIONS. We have raised just over $3000 this year! You can make a donation at any time throughout the school year. If you would like to donate, please click on the link below for a copy of the donation form.

Donations over $25.00 are eligible for a charitable tax receipt.

In order to reach our fundraising goal, we need to raise an additional $40 per student to provide the same ongoing support as in previous years.

Please make cheques payable to LBIS (Lake Bonavista Improvement Society)


Lake Bonavista School is participating in Netball from February 3-7th in our gymnasium. This sport involves foundational movement skills such as jumping, running, throwing, and catching. As described on the Netball Alberta website ( “Netball is an exciting, fast and skillful game of fair contest: It is a game in which two teams of seven players each strive to keep or gain possession of the ball. Players have specified areas in which they can move.” 

Lake Bonavista School Council has graciously provided the funding to bring this event into our school.

Consent forms will be sent home in your child’s communication folder. Please sign and return the forms so your child is able to participate in this fun LBS event!

Active Living Committee

Saturday, 18 January 2020

Friday, January 17th, 2020

Hi Families,

What a week! I think both the students and staff were happy it was a 4-day instructional week with the Blue Days we had. Having to stay inside for lunch recess and afternoon recess definitely affects everyones moods  Thank you for sending your children prepared for the colder weather, even for the limited outdoor time at dismissal it was really important to emphasize safety with the students.

We have jumped right back into routine since New Years. Home Reading, Poetry Folders and library exchange are in full swing. We've even practiced and sent home our most recent math game "Shut the Box", one of my favourites because of the entry points for all skill levels.

Seesaw has been updated with a variety of learning tasks. I've tried to comment on all of them so you understand in a snippet what the task was, and where your child was at with the task. Sit with your child and ask them about some of the tasks, its always interesting to hear their perspective.

Connecting to our observation of seasonal changes, we've been examining the lunar cycle and the names of each full moon. The full moon on January 10th was the Wolf Moon or Ice Moon. Ask your child why the names are named this.

Students have picked up with our exploration of memories, and are developing their own sensory writing connected to their memory artifact. We spent a lot of time developing word lists and engaging our senses so we could make our writing detailed and interesting to read. Everyone's writing should be wrapped up next week.

We had fun exploring our sense of taste through a popcorn taste test. Students tried 6 different flavours of popcorn, that were relatively similar in appearance, and used our "taste" word bank to apply different words to the flavours. We also practiced mindful eating, or as one student noted, "Savour the Flavour" eating :)

Ms. Durnford was in our classroom this week introducing Snap Circuits, and the idea of computational thinking, which is essentially, persevering with problem solving in a systematic way. Again, Snap Circuits are amazing because they allow for multiple entry points, and they give immediate feedback through lights, sounds and motors about success.

Report cards will be coming home on Thursday, January 30th. There is a document on our website explaining the changes that have been made to the report card, adding clarity for families in terms of the 4-point indicator scale:

For more information, please see our school website: 
Some important upcoming dates:

- Friday, January 24th: Twin Day!
- Thursday, January 30th: Report Cards go home
- Friday, January 31st: PD Day, No School for students

The Room 8 Volunteer Google Doc has been updated with upcoming volunteer opportunities, the most immediate being our Tuesday, February 18th field-trip to the Leighton Art Centre. Please have a look and contact me if you are able to support us on any of the events listed: Room 8 Volunteer Google Doc

Thank you everyone! Here's to warmer days next week! ☀
Ms. Thomas

Monday, 6 January 2020


We will begin gymnastics in our daily gym classes on Monday, January 6, 2020.  The gymnastics unit will last approximately four weeks.  Safety routines, cooperation and good sportsmanship are taught and reviewed in each class.  

This physical activity opportunity will help students acquire individual skills through a variety of developmentally appropriate movement activities.

It is important for students to come to school prepared for being actively engaged. The following guidelines are very helpful…

Head ....................... long hair pulled back
Ears/Throat/Wrist ............... jewelry off
Shirt.................................. one layer shirt
Waist ................................................tucked in
Pants.........................sporty pants or shorts, no belts or zippers
Ankles..........................pants rolled up if ankles are covered
Toes...............running shoes, gymnastic slippers or bare feet (no footed tights)

“Playing & moving safely is everyone’s responsibility”