Hi Families,
Thank goodness for the warmer weather this week! Students loved getting outside at lunch and recess! Please continue to send your child prepared for the every changing Calgary weather.
This week, students have been:
- working on self-monitoring their writing with checklists.
- all students used 5W (when, who, what, why, where) checklists to monitor for details in their journal writing.
- some students have been introduced to a COPS checklist (capitals, organization, punctuation, spelling) for self-editing their writing.
- showing their creative side by finishing the sentence stem, "If I was Principal, I would..."
- communicating their prior knowledge of masks through writing and pictures. We compiled our ideas into a class brainstorm cloud:
Learning about masks connects to our upcoming work with Jennifer Stables, our Artist in Residence! |
I've asked students that if they have any masks
at home they would like to share, to bring them in.
Please do not send masks that are especially fragile or sentimental,
as accidents do happen.
- participating in the Montessori Second Great Lesson: Coming of Life. The second lesson covers the history of life on earth, from bacteria to humans. This week, we covered bacteria, blue-green algae, and trilobites. We are trying to grow our own triops in the classroom, as they physically resemble trilobites (although not related) and are often described as "living fossils".
- observing some new visitors to our classroom: Ruby, Sally and Mander. Ask your child what animals they are.
In your child's mail folder this evening, please find paperwork for our upcoming field trip to Fort Calgary. Please note, the field trip date is
Tuesday, January 30th, not Wednesday as listed on the paperwork. Our class is still in need of a couple of volunteers to support our learning that day. If you are available, please email me: krthomas@cbe.ab.ca
A reminder that next Friday, January 26th is a PD Day. No school for students.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Ms. Thomas