Monday, 29 January 2018

Family Dance - Thursday, February 8th, 2018

Thursday February 8th
Lake Bonavista School Gym

Wear your onesie or favorite pajamas!!
Come have fun, dance and have a chance to throw a pie at some of your favorite teachers!

Dance admission is $10 per family.
Tickets for the Concession, cake walk, photo booth and pie throwing are:
5 for $5.00
11 for $10.00
24 for $20.00
****Single tickets can also be purchased at the dance (1 ticket for $1.00)*****

Don’t delay….order your tickets today!!
Purchase tickets online at:
**Last day to buy tickets will be February 4th**
If you wish to pay by cash or cheque please contact Diana Ayre at:

*You will have the option to let us know if you can volunteer or donate a cake online.*

Friday, 26 January 2018

Friday, January 26, 2018

Hi Families,

A reminder that our field-trip to Fort Calgary is this TUESDAY, January 30th (not Wednesday as written in the paperwork home).

Our scheduled activities will happen inside the Fort, but there will be an opportunity for students to venture outside during the lunch break, so please still send them dressed for the weather.

Thank you to all the families who have supported our exploration of masks, by sending in different examples from home. We have been taking opportunities to learn more about them through sketching and asking questions. Our mask exploration is on-going, so feel free to continue sending in examples. Our collection right now includes a variety of masks for costume, but if you have any related to other areas (sports masks, work masks, etc.) we'd love to see them!

Mrs. LeBlond came in this week to teach us our classroom visitors: Sally and Mander. Students were able to ask questions about the salamanders, and then we had the opportunity to observe them up-close.

While cleaning Sally and Mander's terrarium, Mrs. LeBlond also discovered two pupas from the mealworms she feeds them, so we are enjoying some incidental learning about life cycles!

Finally, students began exploring the school digital cameras so that we can use them to document our learning. They were introduced to the care of the cameras, and basics on how to take a photo. After traveling through the school taking photos of objects, many students reflected on some problems they were encountering, and together we came up with some solutions, or at least things to try next time.

In your child's mail folder, please find a pink notice regarding our upcoming Family Dance!

Looking ahead...Friday, February 9th is a half-day. Students will be dismissed at 11:38am.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Ms. Thomas

Friday, 19 January 2018

Friday, January 19th, 2018

Hi Families,

Thank goodness for the warmer weather this week! Students loved getting outside at lunch and recess! Please continue to send your child prepared for the every changing Calgary weather.

This week, students have been:

- working on self-monitoring their writing with checklists.

- all students used 5W (when, who, what, why, where) checklists to monitor for details in their journal writing.

- some students have been introduced to a COPS checklist (capitals, organization, punctuation, spelling) for self-editing their writing.

- showing their creative side by finishing the sentence stem, "If I was Principal, I would..."

- communicating their prior knowledge of masks through writing and pictures. We compiled our ideas into a class brainstorm cloud:

Learning about masks connects to our upcoming work with Jennifer Stables, our Artist in Residence!

I've asked students that if they have any masks 
at home they would like to share, to bring them in.

Please do not send masks that are especially fragile or sentimental, 
as accidents do happen.

- participating in the Montessori Second Great Lesson: Coming of Life. The second lesson covers the history of life on earth, from bacteria to humans. This week, we covered bacteria, blue-green algae, and trilobites. We are trying to grow our own triops in the classroom, as they physically resemble trilobites (although not related) and are often described as "living fossils".

- observing some new visitors to our classroom: Ruby, Sally and Mander. Ask your child what animals they are.

In your child's mail folder this evening, please find paperwork for our upcoming field trip to Fort Calgary. Please note, the field trip date is Tuesday, January 30th, not Wednesday as listed on the paperwork. Our class is still in need of a couple of volunteers to support our learning that day. If you are available, please email me:

A reminder that next Friday, January 26th is a PD Day. No school for students.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Ms. Thomas

Friday, 12 January 2018

Volunteers Needed

On Tuesday, January 30th, we will be going on an all-day field trip to Fort Calgary.

We need additional volunteers to join us for the day.

If you are able to volunteer, please contact me:

Thank you!
Ms. Thomas

Friday, January 12th, 2018

Hi Families,

Happy 2018 and welcome back to school! Students were excited to see each other and share their winter break adventures. It sounds like everyone managed to have fun despite the cold weather.

We jumped right back into routine this week. Students:

- wrote a personal narrative using the sentence stem, "On winter break..."
- completed an illustration for the story "The Secret World of Og" based on a descriptive paragraph on the setting.

- completed their January calendar to learn about all the important dates this month.
- applied their understanding of repeating patterns to discover how many of each shape (snowflake, snowman, mitten) will be on our Opening Circle calendar.
- developed their number sense of numbers 0 to 100 by observing and communicating patterns on the hundred's board.
- learned a new math game called Hundreds Board Connect 4. Students apply concepts such as 1 more, 1 less, 10 more and 10 less and well strategies such as skip counting, counting on and counting back to connect four numbers in a row. You can play this at home with an empty 10x10 grid, ask your child how.
- represented and described the number ten in as many ways they could think using pictures, symbols and words in "Show Me Ten".
- contributed their findings to create a whole class poster to reference in future activities.

- used watercolor pencils to complete their research artwork on animal survival in winter.

In your child's mail-folder this week, please find:
- January Scholastic orders. These are due back on Friday, January 19th, 2018.
- Child Safe Canada pamphlets for Winter/Spring course offerings.
- MAPSS AGM notice for oldest/only students.

Please see the additional blog note about the Planning for Next Year Survey.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Ms. Thomas

Planning for Next Year - Survey

Please take a moment to have a look and complete the following survey to help us plan for next year. The survey will be open until February 13th at noon.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact the main office. 

Have a great day, 

Lake Bonavista School